Morning of December 15, 2022

silence is a voice too

~Joseph P. Wechselberger

coffee house open mic

poet's reading hissed by

the espresso machine

~John J. Dunphy

seventh of Advent

locked in his snow globe

Santa Claus

~Françoise Maurice

Near Genius

is like going to the amusement park,

without an all day pass

you see the blinking lights,

hear laughter

and everyone assumes you

are having a great time

except you

can't ride the rides.

~Keith Snow

each dust mote theoretically could be a world

~Joseph P. Wechselberger

misunderstood sasquatch hides among the tiny toads

~Joseph P. Wechselberger


Why we have so many cross-

words, a KenKen of emotions

that never gets solved

I add one and one

you get eleven.

A jigsaw where we need

to fill in the missing,

pieces, only you

can put in place.

~Keith Snow

the last twist

of a wheel brace


~Daipayan Nair

To Be Human

We are all Medusa now,

heads sprouting wiry

snakes and eyes

that dare not open

to the world lest

we see how fate

has turned our ❤️s

to stone.

~James Penha

Year went terribly.

Much cold.

Little wealth.

Beyond fragile.

The supreme



~Jessica Swafford

alley wall

a chalked epitaph above

the dead derelict

~John J. Dunphy

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