Morning of January 24, 2023


  the sun slow to set

the owl gives

two hoots

~B. L. Bruce

slow night

the security guard

draws dinosaurs

~John Pappas

winter afternoon

so cold the hand

with the pen

~B. L. Bruce

without whim

writing in blue

in my little red book

~Mark Gilbert

clifftop walk

staring into the abyss

of a cell phone

~John Hawkhead

sand fleas

which way the wind blows

no shadows

~Ron Scully

dung beetles rolling in worthless fortune

~John Hawkhead

orb spinner

nets an errant fly

location, location, location

~Ron Scully

primal rain

ants break rank

and dance

~Ron Scully

days when words

will not come

the milk sours

~B. L. Bruce

forest stroll

we kick the pebble

back and forth

~John Pappas

Afternoon of January 22, 2023


  briefcase face

transgressed into

anonymous holidays

~Keith Higginbotham

stamped on the helipad daisies

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

gazing at the blue sky   a floater has come out to play

~Patrick Sweeney

Hollywood Forever   dead actors gaining on the palms

~Patrick Sweeney

courier’s last scroll goes to someone else

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

boiling tea

needles of ice

in my throat

~Françoise Maurice

spider in shower corner

watch web shudder

no prey smaller than I

~Julie A. Dickson

annoying people

seem to stick around longer

rice in the sink drain

~Sharon Ferrante


for breath


in and out

of existence

~Mark Gilbert

Such an indulgence

Coffee in the afternoon

Or just recklessness

~Jennifer Gurney

Word Play Ground

Part II

See saw in the window

of glass houses

shouldn't throw

stone age

of aquarius

~Keith Snow

The saying is true

You find what you're looking for

Heart clumps in litter

~Jennifer Gurney



a box set

and a box

of Belgian chocolates

at the end

we don't find out

what happened

~Mark Gilbert

Afternoon of January 18, 2023


That look in your eye when you

Ate the last cookie

~Jennifer Gurney

the weight

of existential theory

my fractured toe

~Keith Evetts

Trying for bipartisanship,

The dog meowed;

The cat barked disapproval.

~Steve Gerson

In My Mind

The knots unwind

As the secrets emerge

From the family vault.

~F. Kate Langan

where to go how pigeons know

~Keith Evetts

doing time shadow of the convict

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

spattered with crankcase oil the lilacs

~Richard Magahiz

repetitive lies of love paper hearts

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

What’s for Lunch

My heart huddles on a roadside diner stool.

Fried chicken drips missed chances on her lap.

A milkshake paints her mouth with froth and grief.

Chocolate pudding leaks from rips she patched with promises.

Above her vultures circle, eyeing her as roadkill,

a runaway run over by a freight truck called life.

~Nolcha Fox


my decision not to read

the manual

~Keith Evetts

Afternoon of January 14, 2023


standing stones

particles of dead stars

fill the earth

~John Hawkhead

dusting in the grand scheme of things

~Patrick Sweeney

empty nest



~Rupa Anand

New Year’s Day

the pink flamingos

flap their wings

~Francoise Maurice

crow’s feet 

  the ink scratches

    over the page

~John Hawkhead

a bug 

trying to whisper

in my ear 


voice blinding newscasts

ear spit my epiglottis

until I swallow noise

~Steven M. Gerson

satsuma vase

full of hot air


~Roberta Beach Jacobson

The car’s cry pinged “unfriend me”

on the handheld while the influencer

drove social media blind

~Steven M. Gerson

wishing she could afford her own transfiguration

~Patrick Sweeney

no baggage relief

year of 2023

carry-on only

~H. Novick

under the pilsner paper roller coaster

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

six-pack on the hardback Kerouac

~Patrick Sweeney