Afternoon of August 12, 2024

Life Skills

~Kelly Moyer

Photography available here


"we came from there"

I tell

our neighbors' children

while gesturing toward

the night sky

~John J. Dunphy

a falling star

our daughter shouts


~John J. Dunphy

looking up

Orion's belt

I am home

~Jennifer Gurney

school science fair

all the other exhibits

swallowed up by

our son's entry

a black hole

~John J. Dunphy

derelict starship

ran out of food first

set phasers on broil

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

clear night sky

the planets we pretend

not to see

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Not Miss Fluffy


No, Dearest. Sometimes,”

O'Keeffe insisted to Stieglitz

peering over her shoulder

at the canvas, “a pink tulip

is no more than a pink tulip.


~James Penha


the illusion

of happily ever


opening the

final decree

~Jennifer Gurney

in the old trunk

his ex was somewhat

the worse for wear

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel


new educational concepts

through an olive press

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Martian flu

this stomach bug runs its course

then chews its way out

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel


the tumbledown saloon

gave up its ghost

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

evolution reenactment

my wife and I crawl

from ocean to beach

~John J. Dunphy


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