Evening of June 14, 2023


a frog jumps into

another dimension

~Joshua St. Claire

The Five French Fleas (retold)

Five French fleas went swimming

but they couldn't swim (too much blood)

so un deux trois quatre (1 2 3 4) fleas

                      cinq (5).

             Five of 'em sank.

~Herb Kitson

holding their child

astronaut's spouse points to

the night sky

~John J. Dunphy

Ideal Reader

Read those

Poems quickly.

Don't let the meaning catch

You. The point is just to say you

Read them.

~Noah Berlatsky

It is likely

That I will hear your voice

In the dove's call

~Jennifer Gurney

sun and moon eclipse-sync

~John Hawkhead

sunset caught in amber resin

~John Hawkhead

in case of fire break out in song

~Joshua St. Claire

these poems about you broken tulips

~Joshua St. Claire

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