Evening of December 27, 2022

Minus ten degrees outside, inside I ice a fractured wrist.

~Nolcha Fox

the full moon casts a blue color on a broken heart

~Nani Mariani

Creepy baby, crawl

up the window, hang from the ceiling,

with sinister smile and demon eyes.

They locked you up this Halloween.

But you will escape by late spring 

to eat flies.

And tourists.

~Nolcha Fox

         new year starts

   with the same stupidity 

           and continues 

   with the same stupidity

~Rupa Anand

Thoughts are disheveled

and so is my hair.

Ends split for cover

hiding under blankets,

cowering from light.

~Nolcha Fox

Why am I

not what the world sees?

How long before

the monster in the mirror

becomes this failed me?

~Nolcha Fox


with my Hawaiian shirt

his vacation plans

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Where I’m going I

bring only what I need

a portion of me

suitcase full

of nothing, empty

of embrace, I simply

chase down a corridor

waiting to return

to the me I left behind

~Julie A. Dickson

staycation every room comes with a cat

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

                new year meows

            not the same old kibble again? 

         aren’t we getting something new?

              ~Rupa Anand

Evening of December 24, 2022

Nervous Days

Nervous days

lead to a breakdown,

such are the results,

a day or days I do not

long for. This is a

path filled with dread.

I count to ten forward

and backward. I say to her,

my muse, why do roses die?

~Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozabal

in tropical realms

where scorpions love sneakers

shake well before use

~James Penha

Walking Along in Silence

Walking alone in silence.

It was the perfect day.

My foot arches felt no pain.

The sun shone brightly in the sky.

Birds provided the music.

I had no need to use my voice.

~Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozabal

In the scent of ordure birthing,

refugees in pregnant pause,

am I ready for the holy,

recognised, unlikely shift,

or is faith, unstable, moving,

powerless baby, needing love?

Hosts, it seems, are all around us,

but we wait for glory’s shine;

realise the kingdom waiting

for those sitting in the dark.

~Stephen Kingsnorth

fashion parade

all my childhood


~Mona Bedi

for years

playing hide and seek

me with myself

~Ram Chandran

the Lord exists

as disembodied

whatever to my


~Wayne Burke







 a  lavender

scented pool

~Linda Ludwig

Afternoon of December 23, 2022

grandmother chair I overwinter

~Hemapriya Chellappan

with all my degrees failing the robot test

~Mona Bedi

dementia the comfort of not knowing

~Mona Bedi

Christmas carols —

this year's service

mostly delayed

~Amoolya Kamalnath

gift-wrapped box —

father doesn't bring

what i want

~Amoolya Kamalnath

having trouble sleeping on a full moon

~Nani Mariani

travel moon from here to where

~Hemapriya Chellappan

Afternoon of December 22, 2022



fur all hugged off

eyes in the button box, yet

i'll always love you

~Pat Geyer

thinking of ku even in the loo


the people I don't get cards from anymore

~Patrick Sweeney

yuletide gathering winter fuel the flames of war

~Keith Evetts

digging too deep missing the point critics

~A.J. Anwar

    zig zagging kite


slicing sky

~Rob McKinnon



morality police//cutting hair

~Rob McKinnon

slim wrists of

the matterhorn triplets

bathed with dew

~Richard Magahiz


suddenly awake from a dream where I am dead

~Ram Chandran