Morning of November 29, 2023




You little punk ass

Walking off a cliff in full formal wear

Acting like nothing would change

When you splattered against the rocks

I got news for you pal

                                             my world ended

that day

You pulled an Icarus

and flew 

Away from me

~Anthy Strom


Hawaiian Summer

I can't help it if

I'm too sexy for my shirt.

Some people are too

polite to comment on it.

Others laugh. See if I care.

~Dominic Rivron


fill me with helium

tie me down

take me for a ride

round dublin town

there, i'll tell you

in a squeaky voice

interesting things

about james joyce

~Dominic Rivron

video bubble; aliens

come for 50s sitcoms

stay for rock and roll

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Old Brew Poetry

Bubbling hops

Simmering in the stew

Pipes and plastic hoses pippippiping

Frankenstein's little boy

Concocted by humanity's impulse

To get rip-roaring plastered on a Saturday night

~Anthy Strom

nothing to do—

I let Leonard Cohen

tie me up

~Sharon Ferrante


to bargain basement . . .

building code

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

The Qwerty Keyboard Warrior

Quite Why Effete Readers

Test Your Unusually

Inopportune Observations

Poses A Serious Doubt.

Furthermore, Giants

Have Just Killed Lovely Zoe.

Xenophon Could Verbally Berate New Mexico.

~Tony Dawson


inside the watch

a Dali sentience

~dan smith

conquering over

ocean earth and sky

we are living dinosaurs

~Joan McNerney

getting a few bugs

out of our poetry


~Roberta Beach Jacobson


on clumps of rotting seaweed

century egg

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

when will we see

there is no light

without darkness?

we all lose in the end

~Joan McNerney

Telephone-pole beetles speed dating between oak trees

~Elliot Diamond

chemo port wine

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

whispers and shadows know whether I'm awake

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

the nowhere train has no engine and no caboose




~dan smith

Afternoon of November 28, 2023


I tell myself

it was just an earring–

but I lost you again

~Jennifer Gurney

Black Friday

woman pushes

her shopping cart into

a homeless encampment

~John J. Dunphy

the grays in my eyebrow silverfish

~Susan Burch

kingfishers arc-welding shards of sky

~John Hawkhead

Taylor Swift fans too chimney swifties

~Susan Burch

This is not a swipe.

~Noah Berlatsky

breaking silence fallen leaves

~Marc Brimble

paper or plastic Barbie’s watching

~Susan Burch

30% chance

just as I sit on a bench

100% rain

~Christa Pandey

Frost flowers blooming

Ghosts growing in the cold air

The sunlight takes them

~Sam Calhoun


selling A positive

to pay the rent

~John Hawkhead

Nembutal nights

slipping into deep currents

of wish fulfilment

~John Hawkhead

Roach Lines

Open the kitchen drawer

there you are

slipping across silver cutlery

like a pitch pebble

skimming a lake


beneath the dishwasher


crap dirt bogies debris

~Marc Brimble

exchanged words

a gradual vowel-shift

in endearments

~John Hawkhead

rolling news

the world spins on its axis

repeating itself

~John Hawkhead

Big Brown Eyes

Don’t believe that sweet expression.

Notice that his claws are splayed.

He just buried the cat.

~Nolcha Fox


Morning of November 28, 2023

Very Little


I believe in very little.

I believe in love

but only a little

and love is one of the

littlest things of them all.

~John Tustin



Quadruple checking lines & limbs

Triple sanding *all affected areas*

Staining + double top coat passim

Complete the entire restoration

during a < single > work session.

Declare soulful recovery.

Parts and Labor: $ 1, 234.00
~Charles A. Perrone

Watching the Clouds


I want to die

in a way

that I never could have lived –


lying on my back,

watching the clouds

~John Tustin

inner peace


by teasing out

and shunning reason

be cartesian


ever pleasing

never easing

off this pledge

beyond the ledge

and natural edge

no fine line to draw

~Charles A. Perrone

the morning after

vultures hang

their wings out to dry

~Sarah Paris



In This Moment


In this moment

there is just enough room here

for a purring cat,

some music,

a bird that cries distantly,

the wind shaking local trees,

a cup of coffee,

the waning sun,


nothing else.

~John Tustin