The Fate of a Tender Heart
photos available here
hard lux the search for the god particle
~John Pappas
later life tango at dawn in red heels
~Katherine E Winnick
butterfly effect a sonata of ghosted notes
~John Pappas
a sunbeam slowly hardens into thought
~Vijay Prasad
door slam the slippery lizard loses his tail
~Katherine E Winnick
secrets swept under the carpet bombing
~John Pappas
sandpipers cast toothpicks to olive moons
~Elliot Diamond
ink bleeding the light from a dying star
~John Pappas
rumors of war
a moon too full
to carry
~John Pappas
people who
double click their car fob
just to hear their horn beep
~Jennifer Gurney
dogs in purses
dogs in restaurants
dog days of summer
~Jennifer Gurney
The size of the sky
Measuring the size of the sky
on the scale of cloud speed
~Marie Derley
condemned convict's last meal
he asks to write
a yelp review
~John J. Dunphy
shrinking river reveals
more guns
~John J. Dunphy
as we had been told
our guns were useless,
~Richard Magahiz
no claws no teeth
no eyes not even
a proper mouth
~Richard Magahiz
at wheel
in worst things
how directly
am I
~Jerome Berglund