Evening of January 10, 2024



the telescopefish

shapes from ninety-nine


~Richard Magahiz

airstrike a misuse of air

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

in case of love   scan with this laser

~Richard Magahiz

vestigial organ i remain the assistant manager

~Raghav Prashant Sundar

chain smoker under the door

~Elliot Diamond

the shape-shifting carcass: silent vultures

~Arvinder Kaur

background tv news all my haiku about war

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

cicadas were their bridesmaids starlings their ushers

~Richard Magahiz

in her garden

only nightshades

moon magic

~Steve Van Allen

resplendent trogans

their under-tails

flash in code

~Richard Magahiz

A 2D square sees the surrounding in one dimension

let it fly and hover over the 3D earth.

But what is a tesseract?

~Fhen M.


in the audio

from the Neolithic

~Richard Magahiz

I’m sure that 100,000

sciences have proven

rain is, too

~J. D. Nelson

I am so dirty / I do so very much need / some old-fashioned soap

~Charles A. Perrone

I Did It

You’re supposed to put grief in every poem.

~Noah Berlatsky

cavewolf sprite

oh, you could:

hiccough downtown

o the oooooooo

~J. D. Nelson

woodland walk

I follow my dog's example

and pee

~John J. Dunphy

Afternoon of January 10, 2024


new year

filling the recycling bin

same old resolutions

~Wanda Amos

Hiding in the Cabbage Patch

Companies can collect data

on connected children's products,

microphones and high-def cameras

hidden in the terms and conditions,

as you discover who's really behind

those dead, black marble eyes

of your child's favorite

stuffed and plush baby doll.

~Chris Butler


on the screen

am I a robot

~David Josephsohn


on the screen

am I a bicycle

~David Josephsohn

dragon’s breath—

pursuing the expectations

for hope and peace

in this waning year

of the rabbit

~Wanda Amos

Man Is Insane


will start wars

for an invisible god,

but does not care if

they intentionally kill

their next door neighbor,

just because they haven't

shaved their shaggy lawn

in a couple of weeks.

~Chris Butler

there’s only purple where your head should be

~David Josephsohn

Tofu Dreg

Complex apartment complexes

crafted by empty egg cartons,

collapsing, crushing and cracking

all of the fragile human shells

piled by the hundreds high inside.

~Chris Butler


Father and Mother

bring us into this world.

Father Time and Mother Nature

take us out.

~Chris Butler

Scratchy Baby

Pour salt in the womb

and I shrivel up like a slug,

since I'm such an itchy baby

wearing little scratchy mittens.

~Chris Butler


above both sinks

double vanity

~David Josephsohn