Afternoon of December 26, 2023

A woodpecker's bill 

rapping a series of notes.

Twelve drummers drumming

for money, they sing.

~Fhen M. 

sanctified ice

church's holy water

during the power outage

~John J. Dunphy

full moon grows bright

as the world fades to gray and black

dollar store baskets

full of bright, plastic, colors

~Steve Van Allen

lessening a little more holiday diet

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

post-holiday thaw

only my snowman

losing weight

~John J. Dunphy

for whom do we drink water if from heaven God brings down rain on the earth?

for whom do we live if the top angels press the wrong buttons?

it turns out that we all live on a cloud

it turns out that we are electronic rivers of rain from electronic clouds

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

(Originally published in Ripple Lit)


surprises in every corner

St Nick and cranny

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Christmas Eve


Midnight is mysterious

when you are old.

I fell asleep at eight.

~Noah Berlatsky

the fear of dying in a dream woke up again

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

Layover Poem

This is living, This is life;

a small chuckle,

Fey Inebriation

before an endless,

sleepless dream.

~Thomas Skahill

French film

the smell of the cheese sauce

on their nachos

~Marie Derley

Some Like It Hot

It seems more

Like it luke-warm,

Like lapped milk

or the radiance

We peel back from the stars.

~Thomas Skahill

reverting to whisky

warding off the cold

from within

~Jennifer Gurney

If The Lights In My Head Go Out

I’d show my friends the door,

and how it feels

when the vertical green

hits their face like a jilted clover

after a night of irish whiskey.

~Thomas Skahill

hunting screenshots

in a storm door world

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

our        A


              Cfirst —G


                        T         word
~Shane Coppage

learning curve




~Shane Coppage


        snaps at my feet


        we named you Pocket


        left his mind skin

        on the moss-bright lintel


        everything's okay until it isn't

~Shane Coppage

if I won the lottery

front row tickets to the

Rolling Stones

~Jennifer Gurney


on each child's grave

a candy cane

~John J. Dunphy

Afternoon of December 22, 2023

Baudelaire in the Frigidaire: The 60-Cycle Hymn

full fathom fly

soft velvet soft

sky-lift music

steals the deep blue

strobe light sun

~dan smith

Simone and Jean Paul

gnomic thick-lensed

cigarettes and wine

sacramental threesomes

a Nietzschean design

~dan smith

white knuckles

gripping the wheel

carpool tunnel syndrome

~David Josephsohn

As solid as a stone

coffee’s combined with hot water

a little stir, a little patience

all things hard have a soft spot.

~Fhen M.

The Art of Poetry, The Poetry of Art


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~Noah Berlatsky

dying to know how it feels living wage

~Roberta Beach Jacobson


die too

~Mykyta Ryzhykh




~Roberta Beach Jacobson



~Noah Berlatsky