Afternoon of July 5, 2024


Happy Hour

~Kelly Moyer 

Photography available here

I had a chat

with life today

sorry darling

I’m not always


~Sharon Ferrante

in the sea

waves of maternal


~Roberta Beach Jacobson

From the Passing Breeze

from the passing breeze

an epiphany

There is vibrancy in the grass

and a halo, wavering iridescence

summer’s searing heat

The following futures

When sprinting, I look to the kind blue

The passing breeze

a moment of sanctuary

The fading childish spark, I smile wistfully

~Austin Chung

fewer clouds today

something in the air has changed

single blade of grass

~Charles A. Perrone

that's where her cat scratched a death poem in the carpet

~Patrick Sweeney

his thoughts drown out the heartbeat in my pillow

~Sharon Ferrante

A Disk Around the Sun

Whichever you choose, the route is equally rewarding

everyone was smiling or laughing

Are we on the cusp of a genuine breakthrough?

Is it a battle for recognition?

This dorm was once a madhouse

But that life was too short

Raided and now cornered

I’m still a believer but I don’t know why

Even when you want to die

~Vincent Bae

I finished eating my daily bread

~Patrick Sweeney

give us each day our daily dread

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

small slights on a speck of dust

~Patrick Sweeney

kites so high clouds give way

~James Penha

on the verge of saying hi

the graceful way she shooed a bee

~Patrick Sweeney

alive and then some

emerging from

the opened box

Schrödinger’s cat

with kittens

~John J. Dunphy

waking to a quiet house

the white noise

of grief

~Jennifer Gurney

wildfires about happiness

It is no accident that humans can see light

Grief is universal

Swaths of smoke darkened skies

Wildfires that burn near communities

can become dangerous

and even deadly

if they grow out of control

Innocence is so very fragile and fleeting

We tell ourselves a lot of stories about happiness

As children, we used to laugh hundreds of times a day

~Regina Kim

kitchen sink

our dirty dishes washed

in moonlight

~John J. Dunphy

occasionally I defer to what actually happened

~Patrick Sweeney

she's heard enough about my neurons stretching to the moon and back

~Patrick Sweeney



Lost and Found

~Yoon Park


Caged In

~Yoon Park

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