Morning of May 28, 2024


The Plot Twist

~Kelly Moyer







(metaphysics in the mirror)

flesh: ah, self

~Scott Parker

Buddha Anniversary

almost all cockroaches die

I seek forgiveness

~Tejendra Sherchan

there's nothing wrong

with montana 

than an early

summer trail

run can't cure

~Scott Parker

 lying in bed,

reflecting on getting older,

telling myself I’m still

sharp, strong, looking good,

then waking up

~ Todd Matson

peeping through

graveyard vines —

black sand hourglass

~Debarati Sen

studying the configuration of violets on the front lawn

~Patrick Sweeney

muddy river      drinking trees

~Scott Parker

another one of my 3 a.m. parleys with a bilocating saint

~Patrick Sweeney

chrysalis moon  shedding my former self

~Debarati Sen

if by salvation you mean the internal temperature of cod

~Kelly Moyer

my last meal   maybe a piece of dry toast

~Patrick Sweeney

hunched man begs

at freeway off-ramp

I offer a prayer

and a dollar

~Shasta Hatter

mug warm with coffee

no rain yet falling

~Scott Parker


our swimming pool already occupied

by cicadas

~John J. Dunphy


the moon has so little

left to say

~Kelly Moyer

early summer's heat

queue for Goddess Sankata

a butterfly’s company

~Tejendra Sherchan

The Elephant’s Stand-In


not to be ignored

the dinosaur in the room

recycled junk science

~John H. Dromey

huddled on the dry corner of the mattress...

the bedwetter's

long eyelashes

~Patrick Sweeney



~Kelly Moyer












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