Evening of December 13, 2023


to whom should I dedicate my tears?

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

nearing the earth, the second thoughts of snowflakes

~Patrick Sweeney

the mental exhaustion of the pathological liar

~Patrick Sweeney

waiting to remember where I am

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

my ear hurts as if there is no ear at all

 ~Mykyta Ryzhykh

I'd be the leaf tangled in your hair

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

you'll never catch a particle physicist saying 'it is what it is'

~Patrick Sweeney

Blueberry Weather

A gale's blowing up,

and there's ripe fruit to windward,

it'll soon be smashing fences,

frightening livestock,

blueing white-washed walls,

creating a god-awful mess,

but capture just one,

and we'll eat jam on toast

all year long.

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

when I tell them I don't have a phone

~Patrick Sweeney

on the attic stairs

with the phone cord stretched full out–

straining to hear cousins

~Jennifer Gurney


inside the snake

too late
for the knife

on my nightstand

for a last breath

for anything

but regret

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

left turn lost

right turn

very lost

~Mike Fainzilber

out of your face

out of your space

out of your way

out of your day

I’ll be back…

~Mike Fainzilber

ants crawl on a coffee cup

swim in the dark pool

ah, the world's a bitter place!

~Fhen M.

of the six of us, mom said I was the only one who never learned to climb out of the playpen

~Patrick Sweeney

the summer man walked on the moon      I circumnavigated the ringworm on my brother's neck

~Patrick Sweeney

Starlink shoots

across the slate night sky

space chain letter

~JL Huffman

Brisk Trade

exporting ghosts to the stars

weightless and compressible

thousands in a box like so

dunno what they use 'em for

but their coin is good

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel



all the rest is poetry

~Mike Fainzilber

Zoom meeting

Hijacked by a narcissistic


I’m the greatest poet never known”

Time to get a drink

~Diane Funston

poems don't have to end

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

Afternoon of December 13, 2023

to breathe

is a habit

so easily acquired

this planet of flame

  has other needs

~Richard Magahiz

piercing the

plum-colored cloud deck

ground-glass towers

~Richard Magahiz

frozen in a rut the engine waits for doomsday

~Richard Magahiz

racing toward that last breath the sky is not enough

~Richard Magahiz

inside of the moon not a hobby

~J. D. Nelson

I saw it in half white chocolate macadamia cookie

~J. D. Nelson

(zero) dart dart dart

~J. D. Nelson

the queen’s golden garment rumples tilt skin

~Robert Witmer

Sensus Plenior


might we assume

God knows more

than words

a single mind

would have them be

the opposite of war

is poetry

~Robert Witmer


at the used car lot

lemon punch

~Robert Witmer

The Rule of Law



the sea is silent

the calm before the storm



the see is silent

for none so blind



the c is silent

do not acquit

~Robert Witmer



The tear

you never saw

was like a minnow

swimming in my eye,


by the big fish

of my hand

~John Grey



Cruising a country road,

critters splattered on asphalt

before me,

or thumped to death,

either side - 


driving’s like

reading a newspaper

that’s flopped open

at the obituaries.

~John Grey



When I make a mistake,

you do not chastise me loudly

nor slap my wrist

nor turn on your heels

and leave the room in a huff.

You merely correct my error

and we both move on.

Ah, Spellcheck.

~John Grey

rattling chains

I greet the spirit

with a cup of tea

~Kimberly Kuchar


the dark string of lights

one dead bulb


replacing a single bulb

the whole string lights up

~Kimberly Kuchar


the end of a holiday


~Kimberly Kuchar

God's greatest gift

to mankind—

not you

~Kimberly Kuchar

Ubi sunt ...

the snows

such snows

long gone

~dan smith

Nominations Submitted for the 2023 Touchstone Awards

Finally we can announce the 2023 Touchstone Award nominees from Five Fleas Itchy Poetry

(listed in chronological order of when the poems were published)


~Susan Burch


~Rowan Beckett

wow's as good a prayer as any

~Patrick Sweeney

the sky is falling . . .

we all just stand there


~Kimberly Kuchar

I’ve read and studied

but still I cannot fathom

how a zipper works

~James Penha

the comedy or tragedy question is getting harder to answer

~Patrick Sweeney

exasperating AI   I request an agent who has seen into her original self

~Patrick Sweeney

like weird barbie

i break

into my better self

~Kelly Moyer

public library

now banned from observing

Banned Books Week

~John J. Dunphy


accidental pictures

of my feet

~Linda L Ludwig

uncaged i peck at the empty shell of my youth

~Kelly Moyer


his thumb pointed at

the night sky

~John J. Dunphy

roadside attractions

much ado about nothing

~JL Huffman

after dinner


her husband

~Wilda Morris

Mona Lisa —

the smile i saved

for him

~Mona Bedi


~Wanda Amos

pixie dust the secret life of a wallflower

~Kelly Moyer

summer night

the motel ice machine

hums to itself

~John Pappas

first light hunched over the dream dictionary

~John Pappas

the dangle

of her privilege

coffeeshop earrings

~Kelly Moyer

the itch to just

hit send and regret it

submission jitters

~A.J. Anwar

stagnant pond

the stench

of a dead haiku

~Kimberly Kuchar

pelvic exam the curtain rises on a cabaret

~Kelly Moyer

Past midnight

too late to write

a good poem.

~Noah Berlatsky

I (nuclear) solemnly (Armageddon) swear

~Lee Hudspeth

t  h  e     s  p  a  c  e     b  e  t  w  e  e  n     c  h  a  i  n  -  l  i  n  k  s

~Jerome Berglund

hencluck laidegg

~J. D. Nelson

I woke up twice on the same page

~Patrick Sweeney

unlearning the patriarchy no such thing as forbidden fruit

~Kerry J Heckman

primal rain

ants break rank

and dance

~Ron Scully

Congratulations to the poets!

Evening of December 8, 2023



all who wonder

are not lost

~Eavonka Ettinger

the fish

in the eagles' nest

still twitching

~John J. Dunphy

a tiny red mite walks

across my words

critics everywhere

~Tom Blessing

A Bee Stings Her

A bee stings her

I smash it to powder

her pain I now share.

~Fhen M.


~Susan Burch

Replacing The Obelisk With A Bevel Marker

I am observing

the Chameleon…

caught Colour-Changing

by an Echo-Whisper…

at the Tail End of Leaving.

~Paul Tristram

will there come a time

when all my poems

will have been written?

~Jennifer Gurney

Constitution of meaning

The existence of life for the sake of the existence of the grave

Beyond the grave —

Nothing from which

Everything began

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

(Originally published in Slant)

my attempts to rizz are risible

~dan smith

brain training to stop brain draining

~Patricia Hawkhead

unloved days hiding in my hobbit hole

~Susan Burch



Update: Your fleakeeper will be ready to announce the 2023 Touchstone Award nominees for

Five Fleas Itchy Poetry
early next week! The list of favorites is now down to 61, but only 30

poems can be nominated.