Morning of February 16, 2025

 False Spring

~Jean-Paul Moyer

starlight the miles between us

~Mona Bedi

just hatched chicks all over the plum tree

~Tejendra Sherchan


threading needles the eyes have it

~Roberta Beach Jacobson





~Barrie Levine

old dreamcatcher I let go of my aspirations

~Mona Bedi

new wars tacked onto old wars

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

tulips bloom

in no man’s land

peace talks

~Mona Bedi


what do we take with us

to the afterlife

~Mona Bedi


birds are looking for beaks

 and wings

  and air

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

flavor of the day fresh air

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

leafless tree

the children

I never had

~Mona Bedi

chatting by the fence

the neighbor’s opinions

invade my yard

~Barrie Levine

trees are talking to me

my coffin sprouts roots

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

Valentine's Day

I drive to pick up

my cat's ashes

~John J. Dunphy

on till he’s thirteen

the frog nightlight

in my son’s room

~Barrie Levine

censored paint set

the rainbow colors

d  i  l  o  o  t  e  d

~Barrie Levine













Open all this month: Cattails

Afternoon of February 15, 2025



Outside the moon is

a knucklebone and someone

     is staging a post-

post-modernist production

     of Our Town in the old black

     box theater of my dreams.

~Jason Ryberg

Passing Truck

How many lifetimes

ago did that passing truck

cause the coffee in

your cup to ripple, the plates

in the cupboard to rattle?

~Jason Ryberg

The djinn came out of the desert,

its wrath whirling like brains of sand

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Walkin’ Boss

On days like this (one

hundred-plus in the shade and

no breeze), the sun is

a mean walkin’ boss with a

     loaded cane, mirrors for eyes

     and a big dog on a chain.

~Jason Ryberg

Out Here

Underground rivers

of memory, country grave-

yards of secrets; out

here, the winters are always

old black and white photographs.

~Jason Ryberg

intermittent sleep

sneaking through the cracks

poem lyrics

~Fatma Zohra Habis

Blind Eye

There’s been a prison-

     break of poets, tonight, and

     the hound dogs and guards

     are all out in force, but the

     moon is casting a blind eye.

~Jason Ryberg

the stars come to us with their histories

the ones just arrived

            have the longest stories to tell

~Steve Horel

The World Below

The night sky is a

giant fishnet scattered with

its daily haul of

     glittering starfish and the

world below is an endless

     dark ocean of prairie grass.

~Jason Ryberg

night and day you are the pawn

~John H. Dromey

variable star

if you don't like the weather

wait a minute

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Ho Bug!

Don’t go near my garden

There lives the snake

Who works with me.

~Steve Horel

circus peanut


she fashions a trapeze

from a fishing pole

~for Simone

Jean-Paul Moyer/Kelly Sauvage Moyer



Open now: World Haiku Review

Morning of February 13, 2025



                           ~Kelly Sauvage Moyer

Meat house

Someone sewed marble fear

Into a transparent belly

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

Not wild,

not precious. What

will I do with my life?

I just have to wait here for the

zoom call.

~Noah Berlatsky

losing a bar fight…

all the nuts on the floor

~Sharon Ferrante

The Nature of Politics

uneasy the crowns

balanced on rice plants growing—

buckling when it storms

~James Penha


to the flock—

the desire

not to follow

the wrong bird

~Sharon Ferrante

strangled by the winding road peepal tree

~Tejendra Sherchan

silent stones skip the deep

~Elliot Diamond

those things I shouldn’t eat a yellow submarine

~Sharon Ferrante

her gaze undoes me from all possibilities

~Vijay Prasad

dastardly the days he writes in all CAPS

~Sharon Ferrante

crowded alley so many ways life is unfair

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

The door to the house is closed. Forever.

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

my neighbor says I lean too far to the sunset

~Sharon Ferrante

Is it Valentine's Day, is it not?

The day is bright without any pretension and demand.

Beloved, is it Valentine's day, is it not?

~Partha Sarkar

my dead cat's water bowl

now just half-full

from evaporation

~John J. Dunphy

Take me

To the final page


~Sarah Mahina Calvello

What am I waiting for

Besides the end of the world?

~Mykyta Ryzhykh


Evening of February 12, 2025


blue dolphin parade

padding the far corner

of her cartwheel

the squawk of a squid

~Robert P. Moyer/Kelly Sauvage Moyer

ninja skills

new heights

the screen door

full of holes

~Jean-Paul Moyer/Kelly Sauvage Moyer

crocus pocus

false spring

i mistake my mitten

for a daffodil

~Heidi McIver/Kelly Sauvage Moyer


I rise from slumber

and I am

not happy about it.

~Noah Berlatsky

in our land

enough flowers to offer gods

which outnumber us

~Tejendra Sherchan

1 PM







~Thomas Skahill

uncleaved our souls under death’s hammer

~John Hawkhead

hearse story at the end his story

~John Hawkhead

compressed morbidity not much fun either

~Ruth Holzer

innocence flailing under stinging hail marys

~John Hawkhead

through a maze of back alleys the locked library

~Ruth Holzer

it's not so much

that I want to go there

but I want to be

the sort of person

who wants to

~Ruth Holzer

last stitch


bites the thread

~Ruth Holzer

had I married

my heart's first choice

I'd be

widowed now

instead of divorced

~Ruth Holzer

interfaith dialogue

all the preachers

shouting at themselves

~Mike Fainzilber

we are all

on death row

nuances may differ

~Mike Fainzilber

running on water

the slow ones

tend to sink

~Mike Fainzilber

tis the season


the trash

~Mike Fainzilber

his trump card

the gulf between

fiction and reality

~Melissa Dennison

Haikuniverse is asking for Valentine’s Day haiku (or micro-poems). 

Hurry, deadline tomorrow!