Afternoon of March 1, 2025

        The Samurai

~Jean-Paul Moyer

Joshua St. Claire found himself

transformed into a horrible vermin

three-hour budget meeting

~Joshua St. Claire

Don't think of it

as getting older.

Think of it as

taking more pills.

~Noah Berlatsky

pyramid scheme

we lose another


~Jerome Berglund

with its masquerade

a cockroach escapes

my squashing

~Tejendra Sherchan

The world is too small to bid goodbye

I have given everything that I had.

You have given me everything that you had.

Now you have to go

As a bright journey awaits you.

But I will not bid you goodbye.

The world is too small to bid you goodbye for good.

~Partha Sarkar

almost as tall as me

                                          Tomorrow’s moon

~Joshua St. Claire

solitaire suit yourself

~Jerome Berglund

shooting star robots do not cry

~Maya Daneva

moonlight what dad never confessed

~Maya Daneva

unnecessary things scattered on the floor. including my life.

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

death never ends

~Mykyta Ryzhykh


mold spores laughter from behind the drywall

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

sky becoming blueberries this sunset

~Maya Daneva

paint-by-numbers lotus

                                                 no dissembly required

~Joshua St. Claire

what happened when what happened happened

~Joshua St. Claire

feeling some kinda way poppies

~Joshua St. Claire

katydid find my iPhone

~Joshua St. Claire

my incompetence the north wind presses on stones 

~Joshua St. Claire

in my thoughts just enough moonlight

~Maya Daneva

in the next game

they change the colors

of their uniforms

~Jerome Berglund

pink penguins prance

Rastafari play reggae

kittens' road trip

~Olinda Ninolakis


on the side of a street

its missing God

~Tejendra Sherchan

picking through the end

of a pomegranate

stellar remnants

~Joshua St. Claire



aquarium . . . 

undersea nurses

in scuba-scrubs

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

she feels less lonely

looking out the window

into the graveyard

~Denisa Hanšutová

coyote the size of

an alsatian in this night

somewhere close

~Jerome Berglund

abortion pill

gulping the blood moon

a werewolf

~Debarati Sen

On Our Radar


Open for submissions March 1-10




Joyfully Wondrous:

Open for (poetry, photos, short fiction, art) subs March 1-7



Fireflies' Light:

Open for poetry and essays about poetry subs March 1-31

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