Afternoon of August 16, 2022


dead starfish stinging body hairs

~Amoolya Kamalnath

equally silent

a spider with thicker legs

than normal

~Keith Evetts


of cosmic rays


~Roberta Beach Jacobson

My First Acting Job

I was the rear end of a horse.

My best friend was the front.

A bigoted jockey whipped us.

Back then and to this day.

~Andrej Bilovsky

chocolate ants......the dilemma

~Keith Evetts

the sound of geese losing consciousness


little chicken

a hatchling scratches

a hole in the sky

~Kat Lehmann

cuckoo cuckoo

the poet responds

waka waka

~petro c.k.

crouching water tiger lily

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Evening of August 13, 2022

ghost town

the wind has

its own voice

~Vandana Parashar

tax returns not catching tarpon

~Keith Evetts

reptile house

boa constrictor

sleeping off lunch

 ~Mark Gilbert

Desert comes with its native charms

cacti, ferns, dunes, vipers and moons

speak to the nomads

in old tongues

–inside, it is the Inland taipan for the soul!

~Sunil Sharma





~Mark Gilbert

castaways not washing armpits

~Keith Evetts

For Love Or (Rarely) Money
When rags that don’t pay,

Demur ‘steada publish house

Hold name writers like

Billy Collins, Charles Simic,

Lydia Davis – makes my day!

~Gerard Sarmat

fire apple an eagle eats my uterus

~Pippa Phillips

from a nightmare

I wake up

in someone else’s body

~Vandana Parashar

irrigation in the courts::litigation in the fields

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Morning of August 13, 2022

typhoon settling into an eerie clam

~Keith Evetts

let them eat a measure of wheat for a denarius

~Joshua St. Claire

a pack of fleas

on the statue's nose

Belle Arte School

~Mircea Moldovan

unburning the bridge the unspoken name

~Pippa Phillips

2 a.m. after too much coffee

Awake again all night



~Beth Gulley

making space for the soft-spoken ballistics

~Kelly Moyer

across the ocean

pointing to the same star     *

fingertips meeting

~Kimberly Kuchar

stepping into mist a knight in rusty armor riding the moon

~Joseph P. Wechselberger


lunar halo

the substance

of a tulpa

~Pippa Phillipa

drawstring bag of celestial tricks

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Afternoon of August 12, 2022

medium thing

an everyday object

humdrums along

~Joshua St. Claire

trying to hold all of his hands crying octopus

~Kimberly Kuchar

downriver dead leaves a continent at the mouth of the drain

~Joseph P. Wechselberger

clogging toilets 

and arteries 

his future 

flushed with suck cess 

~Tracy Davidson  

sleepless window

my teacup full

of ghosts

~Pippa Phillips



a tea made of twigs—

I practice the art of peace

by making a cup

~J. D. Nelson

plastic gnomes does anything exist

~Keith Evetts

fish fork in the road halibut

~Roberta Beach Jacobson