The Seductress
separating the river's twin spiriting a boat to drown in
~petro c. k.
antarctic parallel pines
~J. D. Nelson
no possums in the propeller
~Roberta Beach Jacobson
never nevering
~petro c. k.
there once was a twice
~Roberta Beach Jacobson
be risky hundreds & thousands
~J. D. Nelson
looking to blame Prometheus done with us
~petro c. k.
bovine weirdly impoverished
~J. D. Nelson
digging in the snow
on Burns Night
a handsome skunk
~Janet Ruth Heller
“…not this poem, not this space…”
sweet spot, sucker-punched
solar plexus, took a direct hit
domain of negativity, engaged
like a match to dry hay, papers scorched
recall a poetic colloquialism
writer’s glass chin
~Suzanne S. Austin-Hill
power company
razes lilacs, wild peas—
war zone
~Janet Ruth Heller
chamber pot
elevated on a shelf
after all the shit
~Kimberly Kuchar
left in the dust
3-D coral reefers
~Roberta Beach Jacobson
high school stadium
a track hurdle jumped
by a deer
~John J. Dunphy
two men peeing
across time
~Kimberly Kuchar
behind the singing boys
guitar cover’s dreamcatcher
sways in the wind
~Tejendra Sherchan
my "happy father's day, dad"
drowned out by
the cemetery's lawnmower
~John J. Dunphy
without beaks
ask for a drink
~Mykyta Ryzhykh
(Originally published in Password)
neither here nor there
meet me in Rumi's field
Somewhere Else
~Olinda Ninolakis
bone grates on bone
pain…movement slows
~JL Huffman
I used to feed
a stray cat and her kittens—
now I feed her alone
~Tejendra Sherchan
used furniture store
test-sitting a sofa
I rise with fleas
J. Dunphy