Afternoon of August 25, 2023

summer’s end

my rat girl

playing possum

~Jean-Paul Moyer

Calgary morning

a Russian Blue examines

my toes

~Rupa Anand

saving me

from cold war demons

school desk

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

after the tornado

the hoe my neighbor borrowed

back in my yard

~John J. Dunphy


a thousand petals

cross her soul

~Katherine E Winnick

all our secrets out there data breach

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

farewell dinner

end of his cheatwave

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Bible-thumper in the park

indifferent ducks

doomed to an eternity in hell

~John Grey

best of show Darwinian schnauzers

~Roberta Beach Jacobson



Please don’t be offended

when I say,

I wish

to be left alone.”


It just means

I want you around

so I can tell you this.

~John Grey

shooting stars...

the scent of nightshade

in your hair

~Katherine E Winnick

Afternoon of August 24, 2023



between pages of her life

rose petals

~Stephanie Zepherelli



   the hum

            of her



~Kelly Moyer

vanishing act

amateur magician

makes his audience disappear

one by one

through the exit

~John J. Dunphy

the coast is clear

. . . . erosion

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

I ignore

the old woman

in my mirror

~Linda L Ludwig

from a rooftop

she shouts

at her drowning

blue heart

yellow whispers

I got it

~Sharon Ferrante

inheriting the meek

a market

for plant-based ukuleles

~Kelly Moyer

giving blood the flea bites

~Sharon Ferrante


tasting the stain

on his fingers

~Sharon Ferrante

accenting our love linguistic convergence

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

checking out

two books at a time

from the prison library

the convict serving

concurrent sentences

~John J. Dunphy

plastic from paper

sorting out

the great mystery

~Kelly Moyer

Morning of August 21, 2023


I am here, she said

to no one in particular

sometimes that's enough

~Jennifer Gurney



not getting the memo four o’clock shadow

~Susan Burch

if children grew on trees

~Mona Bedi

fold after fold origami ecosystem

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

monogamy the chance I took yesteryear moon

~Mona Bedi

3 bean moon I am Jack’s broken heart

~Susan Burch

Darkness. Silence.

A heavy falling snow

Blood dripping.

~Daniel de Culla


New world


at center.

~Chad Parenteau

When the pandemic is over

I’ll stop thinking and begin reading

I’ll buy things and stop surfing.

I’ll stop counting but start adding,

I won’t need to ask but will be telling.

When the pandemic is over, I’ll leave home and find one.


emptying the house

a closet with all the checks

he’s ever written

~Joseph P. Wechselberger


You tell

empty house

you’re listening

and the house

believes you.

~Chad Parenteau

each one

with his own god

temple town

~Mona Bedi

for no good reason

the watch I found on the beach

last year    starts to run

~Kathy Watts

only they know my wanderlust fridge magnets

~Mona Bedi