Afternoon of November 19, 2022

Creatives Need Each Other

Sometimes they need each other & wine

& cheese & warm bread & meat & smoked salmon dip & Flamenco guitars

& conversations in the dining room

& on the porch with the ghosts of deviled eggs.

~Keith Snow

wind shear pruning her whispers

~Kelly Moyer

linen napkins untucking her tail

~Kelly Moyer

home on the range of ICBM

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

nirvana a straight shot on the turnpike

~Kelly Moyer

gin-bottle green

the patience of

the blowfly

~John Pappas

Why Did God Make Blowflies?

Little maggots wriggling on fresh meat

The blowfly has laid her babies

Now isn’t that so sweet?

God intended all his creatures do

Go forth and multiply

That is his golden rule

~Gaye Hemsley

cheese sandwich

my death poem

cheese sandwich

~Keith Evetts

two front orange teeth

crooked they're overlapping...

eclipsed beaver moon

~Pat Geyer

        verandah edge

      a slug, poor chap

      pressing forward


~Rupa Anand

if you're not expecting

a headful of snakes

well well

~Keith Evetts

~Sébastien Revon


Afternoon of November 16, 2022

hospital hallway

the difference between

a wish and a prayer

~John Pappas

stuck at the bottom

he tries cutting corners

square peg

~Robert Witmer


time salts our pulled hare

~Robert Witmer

we grow togather then to meat

~Robert Witmer


her work involves measuring coronal mass ejections   you two should get along

~Patrick Sweeney


family matters

mowing down

the faerie ring

~Kelly Moyer


looking both ways before crossing is not good enough anymore

~Patrick Sweeney

memoir writing the perspective of a survivor heroine

~Kelly Moyer


he always came home with rain on his shoulders

~Patrick Sweeney


pebbled clouds

a map as good

as any

~John Pappas

fall showers

that old sitcom

theme song

~John Pappas

Morning of November 15, 2022

Quantum Existence

Like a quantum system

you only become real

when you are observed

Until then

you are but a wave of thought

A supposition

waiting for acceptance

of your existence

~Norman Cristofoli

Pick and Choose

Uneasy when I can’t define,

unsettled by these creeping taunts,

I cannot pick forever itch -

so I’ll just have to leave them be -

a complement to take of course -

and I must let them live on me,

shinbone and ankle, seeping calf

but hope that they’ll not take the knee.

~Stephen Kingsnorth

flash flood —

nervous fire ants

walk on water

~C.F. Tash

crab grass

the urge to itch

her new tattoo

~John Pappas

No Sex Poem

There is nothing sexual about this poem

All the orgasms were fake

The perspiration was sprayed on

The moans of ecstasy were pre-recorded

The only ejaculation was in our imaginations

Nobody had to take any pills for prevention or erection

All foreplay came directly from the liquor store


There is no sex in this poem,

but it sure fucks around with words

~Norman Cristofoli

eleven plus two

same letters

twelve plus one

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

between victim

                 and survivor

the absence of vowels

~Kelly Moyer