Afternoon of August 31, 2022

how young you must be to walk on water

~Keith Evetts

getting the protocols for time travel from the man with the clip-on tie

~Patrick Sweeney

finding my obituary in a burned book

~Patricia Hawkhead

dust bunnies

if only to propagate

his myth

~Kelly Moyer


said flea leaving

it(ch) to me

~Geoff Pope

Sometime after dawn

the orange tractor combed the beach

as green mermaids sang.

~Damon Hubbs

that bone is no bone

is no bone

it is no bone

~Richard Magahiz

arachnid umbrellas marching forth

~Amoolya Kamalnath

ransit ion

~Geoff Pope

all day drinking on throw-up cushions

~Patricia Hawkhead

not a single right answer to my question

~Mona Bedi

Rorschach test

I see now I should've said


~Patrick Sweeney

after tasting

the soupe du jour


I forget my middle name

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Afternoon of August 30, 2022

jellyfish just add water

~Keith Evetts

her milk chocolate passport says she's soft

~Richard Magahiz

many elephants

migrating across my eyes

searching for water

~Anthony Ward

   Surreal morning—

     A hazy dream 

     rests quietly 

     on my eyelids 

     waiting to crawl 

     into my eyes.

~Vipanjeet Kaur

spectral emission a ghost in the machine

~John Hawkhead

lightning storm —

somewhere the smell

of a fuse box

~Daipayan Nair

by lamplight


becomes me

~Kelly Moyer

Afternoon of August 26, 2022

mildewy the melody of closure

~Ranice Tara

autoimmune disorder it's always just me against I

~Mark Meyer

winged monkeys

swinging the jump rope

for Dorothy

~Eavonka Ettinger

a beehive cluster

in the closet –

grandpa's zoo

~Daipayan Nair


tumbling down

an avalanche

~Eavonka Ettinger

a foreign body

in my tea

I think he’s Latvian

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

full moon

witching hour

and they chant

spell the tea

spill the tea

~Lorelyn De la Cruz Arevalo

cat in a cape jumping over the gibbous mooncake

~Lorelyn De la Cruz Arevalo

bucolic forest walk tranquility 'til the nettle patch

~Mark Meyer

invisible hand

of the market takes away

the baby bottle

~petro c.k.

taping the pieces

of his letter

over his eyes

~Kimberly Kuchar

I sip espresso

and wait for the Colosseum

to fall

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

in the still

of darkness

a witch's

car goes

broom broom

~petro c.k.


Screw those lightbulbs!

Screw the world!

~Mark Gilbert

couch potato

twice baked

~Roberta Beach Jacobson