Evening of April 15, 2024


fried egg and sausage

seeing my future

death stare

~Melissa Dennison


A little bit

of havoc and

a little bit of hell

is my idea of heaven

which is really

just as well in

a cockroach world.

~Lindsay McLeod

I did hear them say

the words "amplifying you"

Is it size or sound?

~Charles A. Perrone


Now the thing we had in

the toaster has popped and

the smoke alarm is being...


So I set to scraping the

burn from the bread

only to find that,

all I have left is the knife.

~Lindsay McLeod

one haiku moment

deserves another

double espresso latte

~Robert Epstein

Firm Commitment

vampires prefer their victims al dente

~John H. Dromey

is that a devil entendre

~Robert Epstein

Lack of Closure

three body problem

hitman’s compact car

teeny weeny trunk

~John H. Dromey


magnet orchestral tune

probes to the core

~J.L. Huffman

Luna's desk covers Sol

the king as the sunlike

trembles in fear.

~Fhen M.

solar eclipse—

what you hide from me

has its days numbered

~Nicoletta Ignatti

There's this cat who's sort of bold

He demands to be treated like gold

Forgetting the days he was a stray

In the backyard where he'd stay

Now he's used to all his meals bowled

~Jackie Chou

murder of crows

arrested motion

hangman’s rope drops

~J.L. Huffman


She said she inherited

her cool from me and

her lies from her mother

so now I don't really

know whether to

believe her or not.

~Lindsay McLeod

family reunion—

the popcorn explodes

in the pan

~Nicoletta Ignatti


Woken again by the scarlet fever

a visceral word through

the heartless receiver

I wondered how long since

I'd dared that voice when I

heard my catastrophe call.

~Lindsay McLeod

fly me to the moon

and house me with the other


~Robert Epstein

Afternoon of April 10, 2024


beginning to learn my bit part in the cosmic peekaboo

~Patrick Sweeney

unless I am corrupt never it could not

~J. D. Nelson

the mystical ardor in which she picks up a stone

~Patrick Sweeney

in the tree canopy nesting warheads

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

scraping the full-belly comments in the garbage can

~Patrick Sweeney

black mail blots in my lover’s copybook

~Patricia Hawkhead

fly is lectured idea rays

~J. D. Nelson

spider sense

at the base of my skull

the cup of his hand

~Patricia Hawkhead

A weather forecast

It will not rain in some days.

Suddenly it began to storm and rain.

I bow down to nature

The unpredictable met office.

~Partha Sarkar

highways closed yet

wind speeds at 100

miles per hour

~Jennifer Gurney

street art

canvases abandoned

at the curb

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

listen bub, unloading their carts

nobody wants a lecture

on the history of cinnamon

~Patrick Sweeney


are not



~Noah Berlatsky

all these years, the number of leaves on a shamrock

~Patrick Sweeney

spoon fed thin soup indeed

~dan smith

in eschatological terror of long-range planning

~Patrick Sweeney

sliced green apple praying hands

~J. D. Nelson

the Uber driver has a solution to the smash and grab

~Patrick Sweeney