Afternoon of January 12, 2024


I wonder –

do unread library books

debate story outcomes

~Jennifer Schneider


on an open highway –

equal parts right and revenge.

a blend of a thousand plot lines,

square corners in circular spaces,

and a thousand alternative story ends.

~Jennifer Schneider

day after snow

a few slacker geese

step up flight

~Biswajit Mishra

sand leaves

with every ebbing tide

pilings shift

beach front property

makes a splash

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel


There is nothing stable in this world—uproar’s your only music. – John Keats

Roar up. Roar down. It’s all chaos.

The only stable is for the horses,

and that might have blown away.

~Nolcha Fox

Takes More Than Looks

My late wife and her dead sister

show up together at my door

I slip out the back.

Tackled by an ex gf

bony fingers at my throat

is a deathbed conversion

still an option?

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Lotus flower

I plucked

from a muddy pond.

~Fhen M.

first cockcrow

witches stop dancing

in my dream

~Bidyut Prabha Gantayat

What the Toaster Hates

Grubby fingers

Jam, jelly, and butter

Crumbs in its bottom

Being banged headfirst on the counter

Roaches, crawling inside, laying eggs!

The new toaster

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

clam clowder —

cat watches cat

watching cat

~Rupa Anand

I have written

thousands of poems about cats—

but not one today

~Jennifer Gurney


Phones beep at subway stops.

Dating apps creep into bedroom breakups.

Tomato juice is too acidic.

Juice bars promise sweet match ups

(no additives needed).

Alerts report newly filed lawsuits.

Meta is accused of promoting addiction

(addictive qualities conspired).

Together, we conceive.

~Jennifer Schneider

She shh ssh hhh sss —

a leaf whispers to the grass

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

I can hear pictures


~Fhen M.

Ring, cake, ring, bell, bell, cake.

~Fhen M.

I am letters without alphabet

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

Evening of January 10, 2024



the telescopefish

shapes from ninety-nine


~Richard Magahiz

airstrike a misuse of air

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

in case of love   scan with this laser

~Richard Magahiz

vestigial organ i remain the assistant manager

~Raghav Prashant Sundar

chain smoker under the door

~Elliot Diamond

the shape-shifting carcass: silent vultures

~Arvinder Kaur

background tv news all my haiku about war

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

cicadas were their bridesmaids starlings their ushers

~Richard Magahiz

in her garden

only nightshades

moon magic

~Steve Van Allen

resplendent trogans

their under-tails

flash in code

~Richard Magahiz

A 2D square sees the surrounding in one dimension

let it fly and hover over the 3D earth.

But what is a tesseract?

~Fhen M.


in the audio

from the Neolithic

~Richard Magahiz

I’m sure that 100,000

sciences have proven

rain is, too

~J. D. Nelson

I am so dirty / I do so very much need / some old-fashioned soap

~Charles A. Perrone

I Did It

You’re supposed to put grief in every poem.

~Noah Berlatsky

cavewolf sprite

oh, you could:

hiccough downtown

o the oooooooo

~J. D. Nelson

woodland walk

I follow my dog's example

and pee

~John J. Dunphy