Evening of February 17, 2023

soliloquy talking to the demons from the other side

~Mona Bedi

new broom sweeping generalisations

~John Hawkhead

saying it as it is soothsayer

~Mona Bedi

big crunch

they wanted to try

a different universe

~John Pappas

at the seaside —

where does the sky

actually end?

~Ana Drobot

burying the dead weight of a pendulum

~John Hawkhead

under the Orion sky

the cat and I

in silence

~Françoise Maurice

bricked up windows I was young once too

~John Pappas

mayflies dying without religion

~John Hawkhead

tears that turned into stone silent rain

~Mona Bedi



migratory birds

lucky the ones who leave

or those who remain?

~Wai Mei Wong


Afternoon of February 13, 2023

first confessions

the priest sips brandy

from his thermos


opening acrylics

I find myself in the middle

of a mandala

~Roberta Beach Jacobson


in fresh cut grass

the sting of red ants

~Sharon Ferrante

Forest of ribbons

hang from hundreds

of Valentine balloons

~Steve Van Allen

piecing together yesterday’s moth-eaten dreams

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

yesterday is fading the traces all unwind

~Julie A. Dickson


~Lorelyn Arevalo

lip slur of a French horn

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Say quotes to each other instead of holes.

~Noah Berlatsky

hackers cooking up spam

~Sharon Ferrante

Braxton Hicks

the midwife brews

another cup of tea
