Afternoon of February 21, 2023


my toe is still blushing from meeting your foot at the boardwalk

~Nolcha Fox


I'm exile

I'm smoke

I'm long dead in the trenches

I am home


alive in the fire

erasing words

with the bone of a crow's wing

I'm alone with a voice

of the blank page

~Alexander Etheridge

Last Change of Address

The earth knows we’ll return‒‒

our few feeble movements 

down under the flowers,

and our names repeated like a song’s chorus 

so the ones left won’t forget 

through all the winters.

Look, moon, sun, and moon and sun again,

the mist coming down 

to the cold lake and the churchyard‒‒

It’ll all be forgotten.

~Alexander Etheridge

Past Life

It’s strange how time falls into itself.

One second I’m here, the next

I’m back in middle school---

the hour is bright, my friends there

are so young.

That long dead day is risen

and my life is gone into 

its white-gold October 

moment, my only


~Alexander Etheridge

She opened her mouth

and swallowed a bird.

She spit out feathers

instead of words.

~Nolcha Fox

my dad

still never says much

ouija board

~petro c.k.

the chug-chug-chug of a party bus

~petro c.k.

no fewer people

could see me

than already did

~Noah Berlatsky


Ocean Daybreak Sketch


and a respiration of inland trees

Unanchored graves

Foot-tracks of light


along the lengths of the tide

~Alexander Etheridge



Expands to fill

All space. All time. The house

Is worn by clothes and we flap loose

Worn down.

~Noah Berlatsky

Afternoon of February 20, 2023


another night not sleeping beauty parlor tricks

~Susan Burch

but you were gasoline draped in cyanide

~Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

diarrhea my poo live-streaming

~Susan Burch


~Robert Fleming

block party too many squares

~Susan Burch

tapping the bongos fish fingers

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

earworm my brain digging it

~Susan Burch

under the night sky forest bagpiper

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

playlist pops a tune

I’ve not heard for fifty years—

I know every word

~James Penha

almost forty

still learning

how to breathe

~Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

to feel // be 

night burning into


~Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

i was and wasn't

the moth

~Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

Morning of February 20, 2023

Reborn as Toulouse goose – brief and unpleasant but not unwarranted.

~Jerome Berglund

sharpening the edge of consciousness an open palm

~Kelly Moyer

like a painting

 subject only becomes clear

after a great deal of oils have been

laid down upon a tautly stretched canvas

following much mess-making

you can paint on cardboard too

wood, any number

of sundry surfaces

~Jerome Berglund







Splash -










Chirp. Chirp.



~Jerome Berglund

mollusks murdered in cold blood orange mignonette

~Kelly Moyer

please do not touch

the signs all say

as though any of this

would be here had

some archaeologist not;

alarm didn’t sound

for those burglars

who loots ever determines

whether overseers finds cause

for any concerted shooting

~Jerome Berglund

hour by hour the hang of a curtain

~Kelly Moyer

trash day the roar of a red bud rain

~Kelly Moyer

peace with the past a swollen cork

~Kelly Moyer

Afternoon of February 18, 2023

Every Minute

Every minute ends even

The fractured ones that

Fill up your little life.

~Dominik Slusarczyk


Particles that exist for so little time

they're only recognized by the particles their decay

leaves behind.

~Noah Berlatsky

in and out —

she dips her beak

to sip yuzu

~Rupa Anand

death results may vary

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Bourbon cough

Lungs are booked up

With ulcers and cigarettes.

~K.G. Munro

sub zero night

the storm drops

a foot of snow

on top of

a foot of snow

~Christina Chin / M. R. Defibaugh



itchy questions

~Roberta Beach Jacobson


Awkwardly graceful

With their 9-foot wingspan and

Funny suitcase neck

~Jennifer Gurney