Morning of August 21, 2024


~Kelly Moyer

Photography available here

the idol's lips move

the mob pummeled

with pink noise

~Richard Magahiz

fifty fathoms down

signatures in


~Richard Magahiz

creeping dust children

their eyelashes


~Richard Magahiz

To tea

Or not to tea

That is the question

~Susan L. Pope


so many versions

of king lear

~Jerome Berglund

analysis: the architect has an edifice complex

~dan smith

while waiting

for the brake job my headache

gets run over

~Robert Epstein

Sunday laundry

round & round

the argument goes

~Robert Epstein

summer dying I become shale

~Joshua St. Claire

now I have it

now I don't

my death poem

~Robert Epstein

Jane ear

Jane hare

Jane heir

~Jerome Berglund

as I make coffee

you swirl amongst my thoughts

the scent of hazelnut

~Jennifer Gurney






~Jennifer Gurney

After the heinous crime

'Dead population is shouting for justice...'

'Let them do so.'

'They are demanding investigation'

'Let them do so. One day all crime will be hushed up.

One day the dead population will be much more dead.

Then I will allow them to slogan "Long Live revolution '

~Partha Sarkar

rain arrow hang the jury

~Jerome Berglund

The riot

Trapped my soul

In riot.

Is my neighbour


~Partha Sarkar

Labor Day parade

unionized strippers march

in their work clothes

~John J. Dunphy

root vegetable

if a pill could alleviate


~Jerome Berglund

to your third eye

touch the Pole Star

act quite human

~Richard Magahiz

western civilization

a mass-produced 1000-piece puzzle

of Starry Night

~Joshua St. Claire

black eye

of the two-stripe grasshopper

telescope to a moon

~Elliot Diamond


grunge cosmos —


on my lips

~Aly Droyd



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