Afternoon of June 19, 2024


I will hide

deep in this forest

tell stories

to giants

a thousand years old

~Sharon Ferrante

Busy Route

a glass-bottom bus

to see who’s thrown under it

Washington, D.C.

~John H. Dromey

the identity crisis we all have waning moon

~Arvinder Kaur

my forgiveness a beast with too many heads

~Joana Figueiredo

another depth to the sunset orange bombing stops

~Arvinder Kaur

Kicking up clouds of dust I made promises I can’t fulfill

~Joana Figueiredo

soliloquy who do I think I am?

~John Hawkhead

long breakup again and again this mailer demon

~Arvinder Kaur

through the window life goes on

~Jennifer Gurney

juxta I have no position

~Sharon Ferrante

hearing my life in the lyrics the blues

~Jennifer Gurney

I am living in half delirium

for the third day in a row

I am running laps around my sanity

~Joana Figueiredo

Kitten died at the end of the day

Alive can't be that dead

Throat can't be that quiet

I buried a kitten in a computer box

Next to the grave without a cemetery, I planted a tree

I still remember how I called our son a kitten

In my old age, I will remember how I planted a tree, raised a son and built a new

house for my son

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

(Previously published in The Gorko Gazette)

trying to fix

my head with things

from the junk drawer

~Amber Winter

Summer evening—

a cicada sings in my town

silencing all its noise

~Tejendra Sherchan

transit ward

the nurse


from one patient to the next

wearing the same gloves

~Tuyet Van Do

in the end

his claws

never scratched

the loneliness

out of me

~Joana Figueiredo

under the heat dome

does any damn fool

still say don't sweat it

~dan smith



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