Afternoon of March 4, 2024

the humming

of stars

in Ursa major

~Linda L Ludwig

rumcake for breakfast / maybe inebriation / better two servings

~Charles A. Perrone

Gaudy ring

Confirms betrothed

Cuts glass and heart

~Suzanne S. Austin-Hill


chemical reactions

garage floor rags

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

one after the other

I call on the spirit

of my siblings

in heart and mind

they guide me

~Anne Curran

reviving the lost practice of gazing out windows

~Patrick Sweeney

remembering the chalk-sized yellow teeth of the ragman's horse

~Patrick Sweeney

the importance of prime numbers after we're gone

~Patrick Sweeney

another question with no real interest in an answer

~Patrick Sweeney

he seemed to always have hard rain on his roof

~Patrick Sweeney

The cow in the middle of a crowded road

The cow on a crowded road.

Rush by her the citizens of a moribund city.

The cow is in her pregnancy, ruminates indifferently

Ignoring them by thinking

As if the rushing skeletons do nothing but run to and fro

Without thinking why to rush and when to stop.

After a while she crosses the road leaving a message -

If they do not ruminate the future,

One there will be indigestion in development

And pride.

~Partha Sarkar


the desire to give up

every dawn

~Leela Satyan


what coffee does

to my soul

~Leela Satyan


the agony of hanging

upside down

~Leela Satyan

An Indian Intellectual

The silent coffin with clamorous dead in the womb full of white fumes.

And all doors are open when

All round faces which were once flattened

Try to find out how many gamblers there are in the alleys of escapism

To sell the hollow backbone

And are very happy all dead of the world who

Burn skins with obscene conversation by chewing quids

and break the placid slumber of the lake

Yet none know how much responsible is for eczema the discount on body lotion.

~Partha Sarkar

so short so easy?

haiku writing in the moment

the juxtaposition

of a blank mind

with a white page

~Wanda Amos

this rusty heart

is closed

but never locked

~Wanda Amos

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