atop the altar
a kitten
who knew better
~Kelly Moyer
Don’t go away
Under sunlit leaves
Coffee IV
~Sarah Mahina Calvello
Open doors
A chance to redo this
Ghost of what was
~Sarah Mahina Calvello
signs of spoilage
she longs
for a dignified death
~Kelly Moyer
autumn leaves
we shuffle through piles
of regret
~Kelly Moyer
tucked in for the night
the body
that betrayed her
~Kelly Moyer
chronic illness
if only this life, too,
were fleeting
~Kelly Moyer
RIP Tide
The moon is clutching
the oyster’s pearls,
for she has no family
of her own, while
the rest of us, orphans
all, remain unfazed,
traversing the pitch
by our sorcery alone.
~Kelly Moyer
Come back, Woolly Mammoth
Woolly Mammoth,
If you feel my pulse,
I will remain warm.
Come back Woolly Mammoth,
No warmth in the ambulance–
Only transport for the innocent.
Come back, if you can,
Along with Dinosaurs,
Following the sad last tune of extinct glaciers.
Some precocious are trying to bring you back
To bring chaos in the chaotic miasma.
~Partha Sarkar
midnight mass –
smell of mothballs
from the coats
~Daniela Misso
seated in a bed of hydrangeas my sanity
~Katherine E Winnick
crescent moon
a sickle carving the night
for a day
~Tejendra Sherchan
on the road of maybe dawn light
~Arvinder Kaur
the how of letting go waterfall
~Arvinder Kaur
on geometrical patterns your absence wrinkles
~Arvinder Kaur
live online
the randomness
of egos
~words & image Wanda Amos