Afternoon of March 24, 2024


the sun has no name

for yellow

~Kelly Moyer

sun god will burst

and what remains is eternal winter.

~Fhen M.

looking up

the Eiffel Tower

blocks the sun

~Jennifer Gurney

cottontails the garden at a loss for herbs

~Debbie Strange

buttercream bunnies

some of us were meant

to learn the hard way

~Kelly Moyer

still in the fridge

the Easter egg with a shell

too pretty to peel

~John J. Dunphy

deckled edges

sailors know how to read

the shoreline

~Debbie Strange


ovals to circles

tv test pattern

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

copyright d®ead

~Debbie Strange


finding freedom in the fall

of butterflies

~Kelly Moyer


on spring winds

S. A. D.

~Stephanie Zepherelli

spiritual psychology

i sprawl

upon the spirochete's couch

~Kelly Moyer

the seven wonders sightseers looking only at themselves

~Debbie Strange




Evening of March 22, 2024

blues on the bayou

a guitar weeps in the night,

earning nickels and dimes

~Arvilla Fee







day long

~Tuyet Van Do

flip flops

longing to make their entrance—

winter laughs

~Jennifer Gurney

The Recipe of My Tribe


½ cup of OCD

2 heaping cups of sass

1 full stick of hug-it-out

a pinch of real kick-ass

¾ cup of therapy

1 cup of half-past-youth

5 tablespoons of loyalty

3 cups of brutal truth.

~Arvilla Fee

bamboo collapse

blocks our car on a road

not to be taken

~James Penha


degrees in whatever

party animals

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Get a Cat They Said


it will be fun they said,

except I’m only allowed to pet him

every other Thursday,

and now I need a new couch.

~Arvilla Fee

an old man sports a toothless grin,

grateful to be topside of the grass

~Arvilla Fee

World Water Day

With the wastage of nectar

By the unscrupulous poor...

Don't you protest against it?

Protest? Against the dead?

~Partha Sarkar

daredevil’s jump a waterfall of words

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

sinking feeling

after hitting send


~Jennifer Gurney


at your funeral today—

cognitive dissonance

~Jennifer Gurney

Morning of March 20, 2024


vital signs

a flea jumps

into my verse

~Cezar Ciobica

horror story

termites feasting

on the attic floor

~Jahnavi Gogoi

potter's field

on an unmarked grave

a praying mantis

~John J. Dunphy

sliver moon

a Cheshire cat

licks my halo

~Cezar Ciobica

golf course

emerging from the water hazard

a gator

~John J. Dunphy

So Sorry

The turtle is confused by Spring.

He’s in such a sorry state.

He can’t determine if

he should put out patio furniture

or insulate his shell.

~Nolcha Fox

power failure

a doll crying

for help

~Cezar Ciobica


worked for us yesterday

not working today

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

dandelion clocks

my father's

last wish

~Cezar Ciobica

identity crisis

a dandelion wonders

flower or weed?

~Jahnavi Gogoi

Life 2.0

Faster, brighter and greater

The meek can inherit the world now,

and pay later.

~David Mitchell

defunct wifi a wave of light caressing the blankness

~Arvinder Kaur

too small to recognize bras in dryer

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

cat cute cut out ou oh o zero

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

what I need now is

to be stabbed through the eye

filled with granite and stupid


~Noah Berlatsky

drought relief

a frog wedding in

the village

~Jahnavi Gogoi

group photo

a face in the last row

fades in the frame

~Arvinder Kaur

Still chirp birds

Amidst man made debris

The eternal conscience

Flouting human's development

A pride without cognition.

~Partha Sarkar

surf and turf

master of all

he can order

~Helen Buckingham

a leaf of my soul is torn off

I haven't seen sakura for a long time

I've never seen sakura

~Mykyta Ryzhykh




~Helen Buckingham

old railroad tracks scattered in a woods

at night a train whistle

still blows

~Steve Van Allen

day moon

or spy balloon

blue sky winking

~Helen Buckingham


Morning of March 18, 2024


new territories

the freed market

goes door

to door

introducing itself

~Jerome Berglund

crouching on the porch

with his cellphone and cigarette

the north wind

~Joshua St. Claire

Star Face


E.T.’s peace gesture

say hi to my little frond

waves an olive branch

~John H. Dromey

the castle

I have been trying

to live in

has someone else

I am still trying to find out

~Biswajit Mishra

starless night

even the sky

has the blues

~Jennifer Gurney


if you need me know

where to find me

~Jerome Berglund

grief burrows

beneath my heart

hibernating inside me

until the warmth of spring

sets it free

~Jennifer Gurney

all frequencies silent

I cross another planet

off the list

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

rusted gargoyle in the dirt

~Jerome Berglund

in an empty cubicle a cake with no provenance

~Joshua St. Claire

poverty level thermal expansion

~Jerome Berglund

meaningful nonsense burled oak

~Jerome Berglund

Somebody's dearest,

I'm sure,

floating above my bed,

pressing ghostly kisses

to my lips,

but not you,

no, not you,

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

the human conditioner makes your scales shine

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

slow dance with what's left of you

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Dead in the thermos again.

Dry truths slip right out of your head…

I need a better pitcher

and more glue.

~Noah Berlatsky

Habsburg lip

he leans back to expose

his Dior belt

~Joshua St. Claire

errant shoelace

early bird special

~Jerome Berglund