Morning of March 18, 2024


new territories

the freed market

goes door

to door

introducing itself

~Jerome Berglund

crouching on the porch

with his cellphone and cigarette

the north wind

~Joshua St. Claire

Star Face


E.T.’s peace gesture

say hi to my little frond

waves an olive branch

~John H. Dromey

the castle

I have been trying

to live in

has someone else

I am still trying to find out

~Biswajit Mishra

starless night

even the sky

has the blues

~Jennifer Gurney


if you need me know

where to find me

~Jerome Berglund

grief burrows

beneath my heart

hibernating inside me

until the warmth of spring

sets it free

~Jennifer Gurney

all frequencies silent

I cross another planet

off the list

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

rusted gargoyle in the dirt

~Jerome Berglund

in an empty cubicle a cake with no provenance

~Joshua St. Claire

poverty level thermal expansion

~Jerome Berglund

meaningful nonsense burled oak

~Jerome Berglund

Somebody's dearest,

I'm sure,

floating above my bed,

pressing ghostly kisses

to my lips,

but not you,

no, not you,

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

the human conditioner makes your scales shine

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

slow dance with what's left of you

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Dead in the thermos again.

Dry truths slip right out of your head…

I need a better pitcher

and more glue.

~Noah Berlatsky

Habsburg lip

he leans back to expose

his Dior belt

~Joshua St. Claire

errant shoelace

early bird special

~Jerome Berglund

Morning of March 13, 2024




music festival

a squeeze of raindrops

tightens the set

~Eavonka Ettinger





live show

the condemned strums

a high voltage guitar

~Richard Magahiz

Orange Blossom Special

Garcia Lorca

at the Opry

~dan smith

the pop star's

athlete boyfriend

dipped in chili sauce

~Richard Magahiz


on soapboxes

atop pedestals

~Richard Magahiz

ancient litter box    nine thousand Euros in truffles

~Richard Magahiz

Listen to the coat

Sultry, sultry hearts in the vapor.

No consolation for the dead

The soft glowing nectar in the cemetery that is not far

And strong the scepter when flee the ashes.

An awkward clock.

Runs as usual the ghastly cloak before it snows.

Listens to the cat the sound of a broken heart.

The day is partly cloudy, partly sunny in vain.

May it rain?

~Partha Sarkar

Ornithology of an Argument or Who You Calling a Bird Brain?

~dan smith

Only movements of

The skinny fingers,

Nothing else.

I write something but

I do not know what.

~Partha Sarkar

death sentence

finding your name

in the obituaries

~Eavonka Ettinger

late night ice cream

the changing flavors

of each season

~Eavonka Ettinger

hoarse whisperer

snoring myself into

a sore throat

~Eavonka Ettinger

pale moon eclipsing sunglasses optional

~Elliot Diamond

kick the acorn

down the street

upcycle the can

~Elliot Diamond

grinding fan just the turbulence of memories

~Mona Bedi

what life

has made of me

sea glass

~Mona Bedi




fortune teller’s parrot the truths we hide

~Mona Bedi


Afternoon of March 12, 2024


creekside wedding –

no mention of god

in the ceremony

~Robert Epstein

twelve disciples near grandmother's dinner table

breaking bread among her countless children

~Fhen M.


synonym for long line

at the ladies room

~Jennifer Gurney


for more antioxidants


coloring my world


~Bonnie J Scherer

Fork Fed

the ungrateful zombies.

we are out

of tea spoons

Where did they go?

~Keith Snow

in the pink of light

she turns slowly back

to moon putty

~Robert Epstein

near the end, he was even shushing spiders

~Patrick Sweeney

in this realm, I'm the laid-back neurotic and you're my Zen master

~Patrick Sweeney

passing through quantum logic gates

the water's


~Patrick Sweeney

breech birth

the racket


~Patrick Sweeney

Sunday cawing

I recite the noise ordinance

to no avail

~Robert Epstein

my brothers are Snickers

my sister a Heath

I’m sweet and salty

in this Candy Land

of treats

~Bonnie J Scherer


small or large

the calculus

of our relationship

~Bonnie J Scherer

she stopped his rhetorical imperialism with a salty radish

~Patrick Sweeney













a jellyfish

showing me

the way

~Patrick Sweeney

she's trying to purify the Myshkin in me

~Patrick Sweeney

on the rocks

my martini

and marriage

~Bonnie J Scherer

rhino(plasty) ––

losing more

than just habitat

~Bonnie J Scherer

pine cones   speak to me   of reincarnation

~Robert Epstein

she wants me to pause for oxygen and meaning

~Patrick Sweeney

in Japan

they'd call this train


~Jennifer Gurney

Evening of March 9, 2024


charnel house

the woman

i knew myself to be

~Kelly Moyer


the hang

of al pizzarelli’s coat

~Kelly Moyer

my finger becomes a pen

as I start to write

the words swallow up my arm

~James Kowalczyk

women's restroom graffiti

a friend corrects

my misspelled name

~John J. Dunphy

change of life

what i thought were fairies

simply fruit flies

~Kelly Moyer

spring forward

fall back


~Noah Berlatsky


Fog erases everything

like covering the dead

so tomorrow hides

except in shadows,

feathered outlines.

End of the world

at the edge of fog?

~Diane Webster


where the dreams were

killing time

~Kelly Moyer


On the wall below

the broken faucet

a swatch of blue

paint reflects a puddle

for which it yearns.

~Diane Webster


the spider rethinks

his next move

~Madeleine Kavanagh

Rick Considers All the Angles

messy triangle

here’s looking at Euclid

for dating advice

~John H. Dromey

daily exercise

walking to the store

for snickers

~Stephanie Zepherelli

Earth is a Mother

Oldest joke we know

Earth is 4.5 Billion Years

Your mama so old

~ Silvatiicus Riddle

shell sculpture

a savior

at the seawall

~Kelly Moyer

eucharist consecrating the cannibalistic tendencies

~Kelly Moyer

aerodynamics of twin-flame turbulence

~Roberta Beach Jacobson


addressing myself

in the third person

~Kelly Moyer