Afternoon of February 21, 2024


biting wind odontalgia

~JL Huffman

ice fog glassy limbs genuflect

~JL Huffman

career dreams

measured in pell grants

~Roberta Beach Jacobson


back and forth – daily

to the office and back

~Marie Derley

Democracy is no more...

Then should there be

Another revolution?

I am not sure about

That cul-de-sac.

~Partha Sarkar

Birds pecked my silence

Winter covered screaming wounds with snow

Why can't I sew myself into a cocoon

Why can't I be resurrected as a butterfly?

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

(Originally published in Corporeal)

Death inside the head:

Love or pride?

I don't paint flowers on the wall of your back

I'm just coloring my gray lonely shadow

Question of silence:

Death or life without love?

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

(Originally published in

I grab the tree but its branches don't care

I'm walking through the cemetery looking for life

I cry about the living because the

dead are indifferent to everything

I don't find anyone alive anywhere in this world

Only photographs on graves speak to me of love

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

(Originally published in boats against the current)

The bush is devoid of all berries

Autumn is now stripping off the leaves too

The future is uncertain

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

(Originally published in boats against the current)

light is faster than sound

I can see them but can't hear them.

~Fhen M.

light passes through the glass window

they can't see us in this darkness.

~Fhen M.


wood borer beetles tracks

exposed on an old log

untranslated ancient script

~Steve Van Allen

used science fiction paperbacks

the bookstore cat


~Randy Brooks

nature preserve

the nickname for our yard

at the block party

~Randy Brooks





portraits gallery / paintings of dead monarchs rule / please take no photos

~Charles A. Perrone



hollow enough

to hide knives.

~Chad Parenteau

Muppet Buffalo

Mah Nà Mah Nà Mah Nà Mah Nà Mah Nà Mah Nà Mah Nà Mah Nà

Mah Nà Mah Nà Mah Nà Mah Nà Mah Nà Mah Nà Mah Nà Mah Nà.

~Chad Parenteau

Morning of February 21, 2024



thank God

for pen and paper

without them

I might have to go

talk with somebody

~John Grey


You creep out of the icebox,

blue-rimmed cube,

reminiscing drop kerplunks,

the aerial dance of sea and sky.

Now you’re squarely

out of circulation.

~Nolcha Fox

inevitable split infinitive inevitable

~John Hawkhead

stone hard ground yet still we pass through

~John Hawkhead

hairs on my neck

static electricity

before the first strike

~Jennifer Gurney

I can hear you breathe

in the pin-drop quiet of

the test-taking classroom

~Jennifer Gurney

I miss

newspaper ink on my fingers

every morning

~Jennifer Gurney


should be more careful

bloody thumbprint

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel


over the BUZZZZ

cicada year

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

skipping stones litter the cracked lake bed

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Then He Made A Noise



mud suck

hips submerged

waders filling up

something noses behind my knee

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Morning of February 19, 2024


evidence galore

exhibits A to Zillion

hoarder in the court

~John H. Dromey

like this her gestures / yes a shadow's width apart / safe from whatever

~Charles A. Perrone


really sucks.

Everyone knows that, I guess.

But sometimes

we need to reaffirm

the simple truths.

~Noah Berlatsky

Help! does scream the kelp

I've washed ashore and cannot

get back to the sea!

~Charles A. Perrone

party animals

tearing the place all to shreds

making life worthwhile

~Charles A. Perrone


chasing dogs

chasing cars

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Ay, There’s the Rub

thinks boarding pass is

scratch-off lottery ticket

stranded at spaceport

~John H. Dromey


coatless man and a dog



~John J. Dunphy

blood tracks

in the snow

yet it’s certain

his knife is plastic

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

AI flash mobs some assembly required

~dan smith

then when she wasn’t

she was

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

free jazz sandwich

swiss cheese melody

hold the chords

~dan smith

Evening of February 17, 2024


unlike butterflies     deathwatch beetles tell no lies

~Richard Magahiz

raw throats it's not   not the alcohol

~Richard Magahiz

on each raindrop     I write your number

~Richard Magahiz


the ventricles

concertina wire

~Richard Magahiz

Has seen none

But the blind pioneer

How shrewd philosophy

Bets on collapsed economy

With tampered coins.

~Partha Sarkar

Haunts human eyes

The suppressed helpless

Fire and it flees.

But where should it flee?

All roads go to hell.

~Partha Sarkar

flea market

i buy someone’s


~Mona Bedi

intermittent rain our on and off relationship

~Mona Bedi

metastasis the length of a life

~Mona Bedi

autumn equinox

he promises me

the moon

~Mona Bedi

parts of her

unknown to me


~Mona Bedi

wind fractures the moon on the lake water too cold for a dip

~Joseph P. Wechselberger

October leaves rustle an octave below the distant sound of blues

~Joseph P. Wechselberger

scraping away layers of paint the size of old scars

~Joseph P. Wechselberger

morning sun

the web’s builder resting

on the windowsill

~Joseph P. Wechselberger