along the border weeding out the vulnerable
~John Hawkhead
preaching hellfire and damnation nation
~John Hawkhead
storm coming wind sweeping everything awry
~Jennifer Gurney
god’s good earth in the killing fields
~John Hawkhead
deepening love in mathematical improbabilities
~John Hawkhead
I Can't Take This Anymore
That's what I tell myself
every morning.
But I still get up
and do it all over again.
Because sometimes
man has no other choice.
~Gabriel Bates
thanks for talking me off the 'buffeted by wind and wave' ledge
~Amy Sweeney
he jumped off his great-grandfather’s famous bridge
~Roberta Beach Jacobson
I’m not great at being anybody.
~Noah Berlatsky
ebb tide reaching a new low
~Patricia Hawkhead