Morning of June 14, 2024


TheCat Lady

~Kelly Moyer 

Photography available here

up close

to the crow's


~Patrick Sweeney

turns out

you can take it with you


~Jerome Berglund

the twisted stanines in my testing history

~Patrick Sweeney

election results macaques + sleight of hand

~Jerome Berglund

Every voter is nothing but a salained corpse

The consternation.

The helpless eyes or the greedy fleeing.

The same attire of the ages.

No new wings for, of, by people.

Only just a box to put something into. What?

None know.

Yet a queue...

A smoke billowing.

~Partha Sarkar

he was far too mathematical for reincarnation

~Patrick Sweeney

not always a bad thing crash test dummy

~Jerome Berglund

a rubber boat traveled on the waters

resistance fighters about to pull the trigger

shoot first, talk later

~Fhen M.

Zummer Evenèn

Zunlight whirlèn

Zummer Evenèn

Russlèn brook

Yollow flowerz

Storm clouds

Gather in orcha'd

Death no foe

Never can forget 'ee

Hearty vo'k zing

A zong ov rememberin'

~Olinda Ninolakis

in this part of the play, I'm the old man writing in the back room

~Patrick Sweeney

dead pixel cheese grater revisionism

~Jerome Berglund

so many triggers Shiva packing heat

~Jerome Berglund

Dog Float

I float therefore I am

My human is close at hand

She leaves me adrift on a float

All the swimmers know me

I am a canine boat

I do know how to swim

Swimmers look at me and grin 

But it's so nice to just

Observe the birds above

In humans I do trust

~Olinda Ninolakis

when we used to wonder who the pallbearers would be

~Patrick Sweeney

leaving Sheetz through the wrong door    the pretzels know the way

~Patrick Sweeney

the voice on the phone doesn't breathe

~Patrick Sweeney

a glance back and the mystic stumbles

  ~Patrick Sweeney




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Afternoon of June 12, 2024


The Insomniac

~Kelly Moyer 

Photography available here

sand grains

all her bullying

word by word

~Nicoletta Ignatti

obsessive compulsive disorder

lapping of waves

back and forth

~Nicoletta Ignatti

Renaissance Fair

costumed reenactors line up

at a porta-potty

~John J. Dunphy

marijuana dispensary

all its employees

highly trained

~John J. Dunphy

You have to love poetry

to be a poet.

But the only poems

I really love

are mine.

~Noah Berlatsky

flooded Golden Trumpets

all heaped on a drainage filter…

muddied and rotting

~Tejendra Sherchan

it was always fresh fish,

fresh meat, fresh fruits

served on an ancient table

~Fhen M.

then came a C Ration

imported, stateside

a fine range of canned foods

for not so sophisticated palates

~Fhen M.

a jungle of palm trees

turned to modern civilization

now an airport without airplanes.

~Fhen M.

I feel ashamed

The chirpings.

Birds come.

I spread crumbs.

They take them.

A mother-bird feeds a nestling.

A divine motherhood starts a day without war.

I feel ashamed of my human structure- The warmonger.

~Partha Sarkar

wordplaying with double entrées is appetizing

~Keith Snow

desert crackling orange peels tequila sunrise

~Elliot Diamond

haystack of a vacant moo

~Elliot Diamond



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Afternoon of June 8, 2024




ends in the cerebrum

a precisely located shock

it jumps!


realigned with our objective

it thinks our thoughts believes

our ends our means

are best

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

old stump

my old butt

good company

~Tom Blessing

Hey Joe, give me a chewing gum”

barefoot, soiled feet

this boy could have been my grandpa

~Fhen M.

just words

the jurors play


~Robert Witmer

the golden egg

each morning a different


~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

summer sunset

a bulbul flutters out of a bush

and flies in a curve

~Tejendra Sherchan

My journey

Without a caravan.

Feel the vacuum, beloved.

~Partha Sarkar

the dune moves on

polished metal emerges

from the sands of Mars

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Knowing and Not Knowing


There are books on my kindle

I probably won’t read before I die.


So much knowledge

not in my head when my head

is filled with earth.

Who knows which books?


I mean, Finnegan’s Wake, obviously.

But other than that.

~Noah Berlatsky


the fortune teller smiles

through the nervous shadows

~Robert Witmer

a white pale man

wore a Donald Duck hat

hired to build roads & airstrips

~Fhen M

flea circus

a mangy cat

snarls at a tiny chair

~Robert Witmer

lying listless

in wet mud

street cats

~Rupa Anand

catastrophic heat

the tree sheds mangoes

just to keep cool

~Rupa Anand

opal sky

the morning slug’s

trail of slime

~B. L. Bruce

sun slow to set

two hoots

from the owl

~B. L. Bruce

You are a hazy

moon, hiding

your intentions

in murky


~Nolcha Fox


Mexican Devils ravage a Peepal

halfway up

~Tejendra Sherchan


dancing to a cover of Boom  Boom

a hearty bowl of Soupy

~dan smith


take everything I have"

i hold out my

empty hands

~Tom Blessing

dining out now checking for symptoms

~Ruth Holzer

giving the bird medicine he screams and dies

~Ruth Holzer

syrtaki for once joining the circle

~Ruth Holzer

waking to the brittle voices of the morning ravens

~Tom Blessing


a brief visitor to my life

the man on a raft of cans

paddling down the ganges

at hardwar

neither of us knowing

the end of the journey

~Tom Blessing



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