Morning of February 21, 2024



thank God

for pen and paper

without them

I might have to go

talk with somebody

~John Grey


You creep out of the icebox,

blue-rimmed cube,

reminiscing drop kerplunks,

the aerial dance of sea and sky.

Now you’re squarely

out of circulation.

~Nolcha Fox

inevitable split infinitive inevitable

~John Hawkhead

stone hard ground yet still we pass through

~John Hawkhead

hairs on my neck

static electricity

before the first strike

~Jennifer Gurney

I can hear you breathe

in the pin-drop quiet of

the test-taking classroom

~Jennifer Gurney

I miss

newspaper ink on my fingers

every morning

~Jennifer Gurney


should be more careful

bloody thumbprint

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel


over the BUZZZZ

cicada year

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

skipping stones litter the cracked lake bed

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Then He Made A Noise



mud suck

hips submerged

waders filling up

something noses behind my knee

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Morning of February 19, 2024


evidence galore

exhibits A to Zillion

hoarder in the court

~John H. Dromey

like this her gestures / yes a shadow's width apart / safe from whatever

~Charles A. Perrone


really sucks.

Everyone knows that, I guess.

But sometimes

we need to reaffirm

the simple truths.

~Noah Berlatsky

Help! does scream the kelp

I've washed ashore and cannot

get back to the sea!

~Charles A. Perrone

party animals

tearing the place all to shreds

making life worthwhile

~Charles A. Perrone


chasing dogs

chasing cars

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Ay, There’s the Rub

thinks boarding pass is

scratch-off lottery ticket

stranded at spaceport

~John H. Dromey


coatless man and a dog



~John J. Dunphy

blood tracks

in the snow

yet it’s certain

his knife is plastic

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

AI flash mobs some assembly required

~dan smith

then when she wasn’t

she was

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

free jazz sandwich

swiss cheese melody

hold the chords

~dan smith

Evening of February 17, 2024


unlike butterflies     deathwatch beetles tell no lies

~Richard Magahiz

raw throats it's not   not the alcohol

~Richard Magahiz

on each raindrop     I write your number

~Richard Magahiz


the ventricles

concertina wire

~Richard Magahiz

Has seen none

But the blind pioneer

How shrewd philosophy

Bets on collapsed economy

With tampered coins.

~Partha Sarkar

Haunts human eyes

The suppressed helpless

Fire and it flees.

But where should it flee?

All roads go to hell.

~Partha Sarkar

flea market

i buy someone’s


~Mona Bedi

intermittent rain our on and off relationship

~Mona Bedi

metastasis the length of a life

~Mona Bedi

autumn equinox

he promises me

the moon

~Mona Bedi

parts of her

unknown to me


~Mona Bedi

wind fractures the moon on the lake water too cold for a dip

~Joseph P. Wechselberger

October leaves rustle an octave below the distant sound of blues

~Joseph P. Wechselberger

scraping away layers of paint the size of old scars

~Joseph P. Wechselberger

morning sun

the web’s builder resting

on the windowsill

~Joseph P. Wechselberger