Our Pushcart Prize Nominations for Poetry

Pushcart Prize Poetry Nominations

from Five Fleas Itchy Poetry (Poems published during 2023)

I’m a Mural by Jay Passer


Baby DalĂ­ by Kelly Moyer


Fairy Tales by Gabriel Bates

Sing Gone by Nolcha Fox

49 Cents Change by Keith Snow

Untitled (first line at least two years) by Patrick Sweeney



Afternoon of October 31, 2023

creeping sepia

the hint of forbidden sea

in the forest

~Alan Summers

my beloved dog

alive and young again

on a VHS tape

~John J. Dunphy

Darkness within

Darkness without

Darkness all about,

 I am afraid of the dark.

~Shirley Smothers







~Alan Summers

the rain in another life’s beer

~Alan Summers

pregnant trees

merciless pecking birds

half-eaten lychee

~Bhawana Upadhyay


a second opinion

mood ring

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

the snow drifting Pissarro’s painting shadows mostly red

~Alan Summers

Moses recommended

taking the tablets

because they’d be good for us.

~Tony Dawson

Tony Dawson said to Descartes:

Thinking outside the box

is the very definition of being alive.”

~Tony Dawson

almost 10 quintillion insects on Earth at all times maintain radio silence

~Alan Summers

Evening of October 30, 2023


found in lacquered tears


~Alfred Booth

now is the allegory of the cell phone

~Patrick Sweeney

day of the 

                my phone dead

~John J. Dunphy

letting go of fear

                         I step out of

                                                    the plane

~Jennifer Gurney

rabbit hole jammed with Alices

~Patrick Sweeney



When we

pull apart from

each other

there is a rip –

we are carpet.

~Ryan Quinn Flanagan

the punctuality of dread

~Patrick Sweeney

my Halloween senryu barebones

~John J. Dunphy

not one complaint from the dragonfly swarm

~Patrick Sweeney

letting go of

those voices in my head

saying I can't

~Jennifer Gurney

solving the coagulating mystery of my grandfather's styptic pencil

~Patrick Sweeney

Tolstoy's War and Peace–

thirteen hundred ninety two

pages of advice

~Jennifer Gurney