Afternoon of July 5, 2023

identity a petrol-puddle rainbow

~Kelly Moyer

night rain bottlecaps from the moon

~Kelly Moyer

one for me


another blackbird night  

spent walking streets amongst  

ghosts and sheets of rain  

~Tohm Bakelas

Water in the Basement


If you just leave it alone

it will go away


It will never go away.


Stupid water.

~Noah Berlatsky

My neighbor’s radio

The soundtrack for my solo

Kitchen dance party

~Jennifer Gurney

leveling up

waves in the holy spirit

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

nightclub restroom

woman remains in her stall

after hearing gunshots

~John J. Dunphy


tv is no good, laughter  

too painful—small spiders   

crawl the ceiling   

~Tohm Bakelas

time heals

jagged edges

my grudge

against seaglass

~Kelly Moyer

State of Mind



live within yourself,


by debilitating forgetfulness.



can never again

be where I am.

~Suzanne S. Austin-Hill

A hefty young chief Potawatomie

Admitted "There is quite a lot of me.

When I get in my head 

to make Indian fry bread, 

My wife locks the pot up away from me."

~Janet Stotts

every 5 minutes

a brand new poem

rest a while, AI

~AJ Anwar

a new guideline to guidelines: AI

~Arvinder Kaur

spooning a crescent moon migraine

~Mariel Herbert

old-school misogyny detonating the yarnbomb

~Kelly Moyer

the dog yawns when i yawn leftover sun

~Mariel Herbert

Afternoon of July 3, 2023



my imaginary friend

always wins

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

nest of wasps —

I go back to the house

where they threatened to kill me

~Maurizio Brancaleoni

raspberry parade a sea of lisps

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

masked at the ball fleas

~Roberta Beach Jacobson


I caught

I caught this

I caught this morning

I caught this 

I caught

~Noah Berlatsky


what the sun remembers

~Sharon Ferrante

no man’s land

the sway of abandoned sunflowers

~Mona Bedi

sickest part

of the ocean in this can

. . . tuna

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

Red, white and blue

With an emphasis on blue —

Supreme Court decisions

~Jennifer Gurney

too late

we saw the villages

moss forest

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel


Deadheading roses

Just a wee bit like

Midsomer Murders

~Jennifer Gurney

tickling my fancy mold spores

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

anger always seems to get a one-liner

~Sharon Ferrante

Morning of June 30, 2023


Did the founders

truly want

to frighten my dog?

~Noah Berlatsky

the immensities of a boy's lonely summer

~Patrick Sweeney

my best Fred Astaire for the long-life of a carpenter ant

~Patrick Sweeney

the scholars are arguing about Woodrow Wilson   I stayed out of it

~Patrick Sweeney

kindness of neighbors sharing our wildfires

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

all in favor

of plutocracy

the I’s have it

~Jerome Berglund

red ants

throwing bodies

at the menace 

~Jerome Berglund

false spring 

how they portray


~Jerome Berglund


the silent spew

of all


~A.J. Anwar


I am dead

but not buried.


Going through

the motions



~Dan Provost

thickest makeup to show more clowns

~A.J. Anwar

a gulp of cold barley tea    there goes another cool customer

~Patrick Sweeney

enduring alone the Circus Maximus of the Nightly News

~Patrick Sweeney