Morning of October 31, 2022

sushi bar

the chef’s signature

eye roll

~Kelly Moyer


Halloween party

fake blood

real blood

~Mark Gilbert

Eerily silent streets,

Devoid of enthusiasm;

And the chatters it once held.

Won the combat of slaughter,

Lost the battle of life.

~ Shreyasi Sen


costumed shadows

move on

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

      monster promises happy ending

and it shall be

      for the monster

~Jerome Berglund

a smear of fake blood

the slit

in the cougar's eye

~Mark Gilbert

Eight long legs creeping

over my sleeping body.

Late night, sudden bite.

~Michele Rule


the unmistakable stench

of worms

~Kelly Moyer

Morning of October 30, 2022

elegant updo

the crumb

of her biscuit

~Kelly Moyer


three four five


~Roberta Beach Jacobson

red wax lips

the better to kiss

you with my dear

~Eavonka Ettinger

autumn leaves

the poet's

low-hanging fruit

~Kelly Moyer

sudden death

how to handle her


~John Hawkhead

dipping fingers

in hot candle wax

paraffin tips

~Eavonka Ettinger

Evening of October 28, 2022

frost on the ground

Mars looking down

an ambulance idling

the only sound

~Mark Gilbert

To Where It's Made




              look at these

                 dirty knees

milk                                     milk


permission slip

                               field trip

to the fudge factory

~petro c.k.

behind curtain 1 or 2

escape hatch

to another world 


~Eavonka Ettinger

never so long

give me

some mates

at the game

give me a beer

& some banter

give me yesterday


i can’t wait for tomorrow

~Geoffrey Aitken

inner child

travels to the future

begs to return

~Eavonka Ettinger

Caging vs Birding

                I am a cage, in search of a bird. — Kafka

Wherever my mind               flies,   it   is   still


Tightly to this world,   this   very   cage   of

Sensory & imaginative               c e l l s

In other words,             I   is   the   cage,   while

       The whole universe                am   a   bird

~Yuan Changming

hiding in the ballot box nuns

~Roberta Beach Jacobson


the prairie nymph’s

crooked toe

~Kelly Moyer

morning thaw


she knows

~John Hawkhead