Morning of September 3, 2024









It’s in the Bones

~Kelly Moyer

Photos available here

do not see me…

I am the face

of undecided

I have not picked

my story


~Sharon Ferrante

the poetry

of the lake

each breath

strikes the shore


i paint

on empty rice paper

kilroy on a wall

feeling poetic

i slide into a chair

and start snoring

~Mike Rehling

collateral damage a spirit snake swallows its tail

~John Hawkhead

war footing the final bill

~John Hawkhead

crunch time cicadas taste like shrimp

~Sharon Ferrante

24 hour rolling news

I teach myself to see

things that aren’t there

~John Hawkhead


types of North Woods trees: deciduous, conifer, Big Foot

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

What I've learned

Summer flies are assholes

Fighting in the air

~Sarah Mahina Calvello

Labor Day

our union local president

goes into labor

~John J. Dunphy


only child

I am

the sibling

of myself

~Roberta Beach Jacobson



i flip a coin

in the name of science

~Mike Rehling

I’ve decided


shall be simple

I’ll visit

the ocean

scream at it

~Sharon Ferrante



Morning of August 30, 2024



~Kelly Moyer

Photos available here

bark hole —


our secrets

~Daipayan Nair

cosmic mandala

surrounded by the living


~Deborah Karl-Brandt


You get so much done

when you’re dead.

~Noah Berlatsky


unasked for, unwanted

white noise of grief

~Jennifer Gurney

curtain call

the bees prepare

for their final encore

~Melissa Dennison

autumn wind here we go again

~Keith Evetts

how the months fly by vacuum cleaning

~Keith Evetts

barcode yeti calder’s batmobile

~J. D. Nelson

needles to say s

~J. D. Nelson

neighbour of nothing I keep it

~J. D. Nelson

cryptocurrency the look on grandma's face

~Keith Evetts

Say we’ll go to the ocean

then I’ll come

That is, if we go to the ocean.

~Wenyi Xiao

with a flu

she played the flute

a little cute,

a little coo.

~Marcus Ten Low

soon, the moon,

it will begone.


~Marcus Ten Low

The sea was supposed to give me revelations.

I listened and listened

it had the sound of an empty shell.

~Wenyi Xiao

sad and lonely haikuist's whoopee cushion

~Keith Evetts