Morning of July 30, 2024





the housefly and I

putting our feet up

~Melissa Dennison




~Roberta Beach Jacobson

flashing church billboard

‘We love you

Sundays at 10’

~Christa Pandey

blaspheming against tv testimonials as a hobby

~Patrick Sweeney

requiem mass

donning the muted colours

of shadow

~John Hawkhead

they threw half-eaten hoagies at the Hurdy Gurdy Man

~Patrick Sweeney

Love is giving him the top half of the bagel every time.

~Rachel Turney

what if all my

dandelion wishes

come true...

~Jennifer Gurney

muscle memory

each room in the house

with its own flinch

~John Hawkhead

Bastille Day

convict breaks out

a deck of cards

~John J. Dunphy

in the sea

diving into flames

water dragons

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

the bronchial cough of the trash-picking bear

~Patrick Sweeney

no one in my reading group knew how to tie a shoe

~Patrick Sweeney



Morning of July 27, 2024


The Burlesque Dancer

~Kelly Moyer
Photography available here









Hold for Poet

Thank you

For your patience.

Our poets are helping

Other readers. Please do not turn

The page.

~Noah Berlatsky

it was in the Roman-controlled Antioch

in the late first century AD

that the plagiarist copied his unnamed sources

~Fhen M.


after so many husbands

I know what to say

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

open window

a gentle breeze

caresses my hair

how warm your hands were

on our last meeting

~Fatma Zohra Habis




starred restaurant—

coming and going of flies

at lunch time

~Nicoletta Ignatti

Mud Holes

Just because you see little holes in the mud

is no reason to suspect earthworms were here.

Birthday candles are the same diameter

and mud is a kind of icing on layer years.

~Terry Trowbridge


horizon so close you can

see your back

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

you must be this tall ↆ

to exit the quicksand

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel