Afternoon of June 8, 2024




ends in the cerebrum

a precisely located shock

it jumps!


realigned with our objective

it thinks our thoughts believes

our ends our means

are best

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

old stump

my old butt

good company

~Tom Blessing

Hey Joe, give me a chewing gum”

barefoot, soiled feet

this boy could have been my grandpa

~Fhen M.

just words

the jurors play


~Robert Witmer

the golden egg

each morning a different


~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

summer sunset

a bulbul flutters out of a bush

and flies in a curve

~Tejendra Sherchan

My journey

Without a caravan.

Feel the vacuum, beloved.

~Partha Sarkar

the dune moves on

polished metal emerges

from the sands of Mars

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Knowing and Not Knowing


There are books on my kindle

I probably won’t read before I die.


So much knowledge

not in my head when my head

is filled with earth.

Who knows which books?


I mean, Finnegan’s Wake, obviously.

But other than that.

~Noah Berlatsky


the fortune teller smiles

through the nervous shadows

~Robert Witmer

a white pale man

wore a Donald Duck hat

hired to build roads & airstrips

~Fhen M

flea circus

a mangy cat

snarls at a tiny chair

~Robert Witmer

lying listless

in wet mud

street cats

~Rupa Anand

catastrophic heat

the tree sheds mangoes

just to keep cool

~Rupa Anand

opal sky

the morning slug’s

trail of slime

~B. L. Bruce

sun slow to set

two hoots

from the owl

~B. L. Bruce

You are a hazy

moon, hiding

your intentions

in murky


~Nolcha Fox


Mexican Devils ravage a Peepal

halfway up

~Tejendra Sherchan


dancing to a cover of Boom  Boom

a hearty bowl of Soupy

~dan smith


take everything I have"

i hold out my

empty hands

~Tom Blessing

dining out now checking for symptoms

~Ruth Holzer

giving the bird medicine he screams and dies

~Ruth Holzer

syrtaki for once joining the circle

~Ruth Holzer

waking to the brittle voices of the morning ravens

~Tom Blessing


a brief visitor to my life

the man on a raft of cans

paddling down the ganges

at hardwar

neither of us knowing

the end of the journey

~Tom Blessing



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Evening of June 4, 2024

Invented Tongue

Griblish glubmitsch



Griblish glubmitsch


Demingcik digribnik



Demingcik digribnik


~Olinda Ninolakis

the harder

I hold on

the harder letting go is

~Jennifer Gurney


illogical fuzzy logic

tuxedo cats

~Roberta Beach Jacobson


swifts perform a passeggiata

at twilight in Chania harbour

tourists click pics on their mobile phone

parea gathers noone alone

poets recite verse in Terza rima now

the sun melts gently into the lighthouse - how

fast the transition from day to night

scent of jasmine our senses excited

~Olinda Ninolakis

minor misunderstanding

bring on the banjos

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

if I only knew

the path this journey

will lead to...

~Jennifer Gurney

in the corner of my eye

supernova remnant

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

write about

what you know

write about


~Noah Berlatsky