Afternoon of April 2, 2024

 late capitalism

the books i don’t like

for décor

~Aline da Silveira


is when he loses his butt

and I gain it.

~Nolcha Fox

casting ripples

upon god's reflection

the cat's tongue

~Kelly Moyer

  true believers—







~David Josephsohn

witchgrass breaking off all contact

~John Hawkhead

left-spiraled snail swaged with tree rings

~Elliot Diamond

dark forest letting alexa in

~John Hawkhead

confessional the cold comfort of penance

~David Josephsohn

wringing in my ears the chicken’s neck

~John Hawkhead

Hope is a hamster wheel

without a hamster

or a wheel.

There is some hamster poop though.

~Noah Berlatsky

why do I always

underestimate the boxes

needed to move

~Jennifer Gurney



4 door

~dan smith

felt like years

the time it took to separate

our record albums

~Jennifer Gurney


4th cousin

5 times removed

Emily Dickinson

good to know

but no good

at Costco

~dan smith

spring journey

the petals on the ground say

that we must return

~Marie Derley

easter morning

an oh so fine

crack in her shell

~Kelly Moyer


Easter sunrise service

minus sun

~John J. Dunphy

a whiff of cold air

someone’s late

for the eucharist

~Maya Daneva

herxheimer reaction

the spirochetes’

new cosmic address

~Kelly Moyer

you haven't seen the chase,

the tearing of feathers,

the breaking of the bones,

you're busy cleaning the backyard.

~Fhen M.

For Sale:  Derby Skates

You would have thought

they’d be satisfied.

But, no.

Tonight, I saw the listing.

The spirochetes

have put my derby skates

up for auction on eBay

for thrice what I paid.

As if . . .

they haven’t taken enough.

~Kelly Moyer


Morning of March 31, 2024

I am in the sink how is it a pelican

~J. D. Nelson

near-earth insurance giant wonderfully

~J. D. Nelson

window pizza purple instinct

~J. D. Nelson

toad that saturn neighbor to the north

~J. D. Nelson

invisible room grapes free of change

~J. D. Nelson

inflatable swan song

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

anonymous tax on sin he pays heavily

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

unsubstantiated seasonal sorbet

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

inverted pyramid aimed tо the heart

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

microwave burrito showing me its good side

~petro c. k.

deep field the sweater that would be forthcoming

~petro c. k.

greeter my name barely hanging around

~petro c. k.

turning into a pumpkin an RV on fire

~petro c. k.