Afternoon of March 9, 2024

d r i f t i n g  fog

I try to touch it—

see what it knows

how enchanting

to be


~Sharon Ferrante

beauty behind bars

the well-composed face

of the cello

~Robert Witmer

broken peace symbol

without a leg

to stand on

~Robert Witmer

void context screaming out of burned down kibbutz

~Roman Lyakhovetsky

clueless he's already

immortalized in my senryu-

the road bully

~Roman Lyakhovetsky

a moth


in the spider's hammock

~Robert Witmer

a lobster boiling, unaware

of course

death has many names

~Tiffany Elise

the ways we hate why the moon hides

~Tiffany Elise

a human

but also

an orchid

~Tiffany Elise

to feel peace


poppies bloom

~Tiffany Elise

ginger in my tea

and ginger in my ale too

never too much gin...   ger.

~Charles A. Perrone

the noiseless tenor of his way

playing second fiddle

in a one-man band

~Robert Witmer

a few ducks on thin ice quacking

~Robert Witmer

a giant flag

full of wind

used cars

~Robert Witmer

on the edge

of my universe

I push return

~Sharon Ferrante

Evening of March 5, 2024

Thought Experiment




Buddha rose

trailing flowering

vines it took to the open road

how many miles to nirvana it asked all it met

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

The land that is behind me.

Walking to the corner shop

and back.

~Mark Gilbert

artificial rose—

her face conforms

to society's norms

~Mark Gilbert

hunger moon needing dough

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

hobo jungle midnight coyote howl

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Dog Park Theology

The gate is open.

You can go in

if you are good.

~Noah Berlatsky




my shoulder

a wire in my heart

in ancient days I'd be long dead

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

no longer suicidal

the 70-year-old now content

just to wait

~John J. Dunphy

human geography


for the sweet spot

~Mark Gilbert


soaring above

our neighbors' MAGA flag

a rainbow kite

~John J. Dunphy

wharf is not a dock

wharves are not some landing strips

both are more mystery

~Charles A. Perrone

My Favorite Monster

Comes out only at night

Has glowing red eyes

Is 20 feet tall

(six meters)

Breathes radioactive fire

Only stomps Billy's house

And Ed's, a little bit

Never forgets Monster's Day at school

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel

men with guitars

passing their emotions

thru an amp

~Mark Gilbert

happy next birthday”

he knows something

you don't

~David C. Kopaska-Merkel




~Mark Gilbert

To Do List

Write a poem

~Noah Berlatsky