Morning of June 11, 2023

Greenfield, driving back to Indy


All you can do


is park

on the road

get out of the car

and stare

at the sun-heavy cornfields.

~William Bain



Click pen,

Up down click. At

school desk, click, work desk, click.

Clock tick. Eyebrows grey. Life click lived

By click.

~Noah Berlatsky

Ryan Gosling

reminds me why I sleep

with my Ken doll

~James Penha

Life is inversely palindromic. 

You usually win

(at the same time as)

lose usually You.

~Herb Kitson

like most things            b

        f.                                        r    e

       O.                      a

       r.                                k                     p


        v.                            I


            r.                                  n

     falls apart.               g                      U

~Herb Kitson

thunder without lightning flashless photography


nothing to do with thirst water wars


between why and why not one more day


train journey

everyone becomes

an omniscient narrator


an opening


opened this new

loaf of bread this

morning the sound

of the lightweight

brown paper wrap-

ping crinkling just

sounded so appealing

to me

~William Bain

Afternoon of June 10, 2023

there's something going on between the evening breeze and the mimosa

~Patrick Sweeney

I only like the idea of pink cotton candy

~Patrick Sweeney

cardboard people ghost to ghost

~Sharon Ferrante

he was convinced an archangel snapped the fan belt

~Patrick Sweeney

if they ask you, say a zinnia in the sun

~Patrick Sweeney

politics results may vary

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

the time I got caught at dusk with secret polynomials

~Patrick Sweeney


single drop of sky wedding

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

in that dark cellar I rolled mercury in my palm

~Patrick Sweeney


It is dark as night

Static fills the air

Just before the rain

If only

The rest of life

Were as predictable

~Jennifer Gurney