Afternoon of June 2, 2023

Late sun glows orange

on branches that twist

into nightmares

~Steve Van Allen


I live with a rude zombie

mumbling through the house

cutting me off as I talk

only apologies I hear

are mine, saying" I'm sorry

you stepped on me again"

I know she will slowly eat

my mind, I'm just asking

her to say please first, thanks, after...

~Keith Snow

the waistline of the hula hoop king when the Russians owned the moon

~Patrick Sweeney

minutes after the eclipse the whole moon to myself

~Patrick Sweeney

she's tinkering again with my static universe

~Patrick Sweeney

White knuckles and an acceptance of turbulence.

~Laurie Kuntz

Life decisions, based on clouds, mud, and flowers.

~Laurie Kuntz

evolving into beings that stare at screens

~Patrick Sweeney

In the summer

Every day feels like

The weekend

~Jennifer Gurney

garden party

taking bets

on the frog:

will it jump

or croak

~Wanda Amos

sharing space

I contemplate life

from the small room

two squares

or three

~Wanda Amos

Going back in time,

women fought for their own souls.

Here we go again.

~Angela Evans


a wail and a whimper


~Rupa Anand

Your gentle touch

To get my attention


~Jennifer Gurney


where I could never

think loud enough

~Ron Scully

historic postcards

the wire spinner squeals


~Ron Scully

Morning of May 28, 2023

legendary the sparrow that stole my siren song

~Kelly Moyer

shattered dreams

a squeak from the sole

of god's left boot

~Kelly Moyer

skin through ripped jeans

the night sky is a big shaken box

full of glitter

~Joseph P. Wechselberger

the binding energy of stars in the wave of her hair

~Patrick Sweeney

a lone obsessive noting the magically irrelevant

~Patrick Sweeney

full harvest shadowboxing with the enemy

~Kelly Moyer

my failed numeracy under the summer stars

~Patrick Sweeney

yesterday leaking from the black hole of night

~Patrick Sweeney

war ruins shapes of sky

~petro c.k.

drinking to forget goldfish

~petro c.k.

torn limb from limb healthcare

~petro c.k.












~petro c.k.

the day rides on the back of a hummingbird

~Joseph P. Wechselberger

slicing through morning the peacock's scream widens the crack on the moon

~Joseph P. Wechselberger

commencement speeches make me feel like puncturing a white wall tire

~Patrick Sweeney

nearing summer   the sister who never learned to swim

~Patrick Sweeney