Evening of March 31, 2023

At last


you and I

have caught each other.

~Noah Berlatsky

Boredom is healthy

That’s when the truly good stuff


~Jennifer Gurney

An empty mailbox

Holds the space for loneliness

Like a basket for

Just-harvested eggs that will

Never hatch into chicks

~Jennifer Gurney

I often put on

The sweater you left behind

Just to feel you close

~Jennifer Gurney

parting gifts

they pull out

but leave land mines

     dogs dig up

     mass graves

~Jerome Berglund

        & petro c. k.

t  h  e     s  p  a  c  e     b  e  t  w  e  e  n     c  h  a  i  n  -  l  i  n  k  s

~Jerome Berglund

highway traffic —

the rain blurs my


~Debarati Sen

scarecrow    you don't have to do anything but stand on one foot

~Patrick Sweeney

Cinderella had the perfect excuse

~Patrick Sweeney

my computer tells me:    it looks like you've reached the end

~Patrick Sweeney

Afternoon of March 31, 2023

 potato Sally

not baked not salad but raw

you have pretty eyes

~Shayna Shanes

i am the moon

sitting on the broken shore

of nightmares,

i take shards of light

sew them together

into a dream

so that even night knows

i am the moon.

~linda m. crate

sidewalk noon —

the giggle of an urchin

fills the balloon

~Daipayan Nair

too much

i think too much,

feel too much,

sometimes i feel like

i am too much;

but they insist i am 

just enough,

so why can't anyone

take the intensity of my light

or the depths of my oceans?

why do i walk my flower gardens and forests alone?

~linda m. crate

buried in

a heap of documents

her painted nails

~Daipayan Nair

this spinach, frankly

a leaf and his brothers

their spirit contained

in ridges

and veins

and the bitter remains

on my tongue

like truth

audaciously raw

and juicy

~Shayna Shanes

Your smolder fists

eyes of gunpowder

ashes falling

~Carol Carpenter

burn the candle


thoughts and prayers

are your pat on the back

for inaction,

how about action and change

in addition to your thoughts and prayers;

burn the candle not those stumbling

in the dark.

~linda m. crate

school shooting

local florists start

a price war

~John J. Dunphy