I divorce you, time change.
You disturb my sleep. Go away.
And take your light with you.
~Nolcha Fox
settling the score semi-precious library dust
~Roberta Beach Jacobson
lashed together shoes tripping into an old you
~Richard L. Matta
I dream healthy wake in hospice
~Roberta Beach Jacobson
seven years
in a taxicab backseat
writing that song
~Mike Fainzilber
Poetry is an assignment.
Write every day till joy drains out
and you’re left with words
like “assignment.”
~Noah Berlatsky
tonight i stare at screens, flipping
like a cat’s tail, impatient
eyes and brain blurred, but not a fog
to be swept away by an afternoon wind
fearing sleep, the potential for unwanted
the taunting leer of loneliness
ghost pains of parts of me not yet killed
i am four years old again
holding a night light to every corner
~Alfred Booth
The Search
so many tupperwares
jammed into this fridge
where is the best
part of you?
~David C. Kopaska-Merkel
de gallo
extra cilantro…
hold the soap
~Stephen J.
first cold November rain
trees bleed color,
i collect wet leaves, they stain my fingers yellow
~Steve Van Allen
taxi driver’s advice
never ever argue
with the perfect people
~Mike Fainzilber
as if the pink slip
were onion
~Richard L. Matta
The dog was upset when I woke her up.
She locked me out of the house
and drank my coffee.
~Nolcha Fox
her counterfeit coin
never plinks
~Richard L. Matta
goodbyes said
without a tear
walking into the sunset
the story ends
~Ann Christine Tabaka