Reason for Being
Your mittens are empty.
Oh, how they carry on
in their desire
for something (anything)
to give them purpose!
you fill them with pudding
(perhaps butterscotch),
and they believe they are
happy for a time.
~Kelly Moyer
sea shells sold by the sea shore—
late-stage capitalism
~petro c.k.
noon forever old VCR
~petro c.k.
midnight with eyes cat
~Roberta Beach Jacobson
draw the curtains
color the windows
with the clear crayon
~petro c.k.
faux fur
around the neck
why choose
false rumors
all that is fake
is not
~Julie A. Dickson
Help Yourself to Another!
Futility is a chip
of the highest-quality
chocolate, baked
into a thin disc
of delusion
for your masticatory
pleasure, an expression
of the aggression
that drives
each moment
of your unfortunate life.
~Kelly Moyer
Forgive the woman
inside the watermelon.
How could she have
you were allergic
to the salt of her tears?
~Kelly Moyer
Do you feel the way they open themselves
to the music of the cosmos?
How effortlessly they transform toil
into surrender?
There is no hill.
Only sanctuary.
~Kelly Moyer
blue jay flying off
in its feathers
a piece of sky
~Daniel Birnbaum
under the umbrella
her lips at reach
~Daniel Birnbaum
people in the street
what do we have in common,
we can talk about
~Daniel Birnbaum