Morning of February 2, 2023

I’m in the loo

with the last croissant

family arrives

~Sharon Ferrante


the old man shuffles

back to the loo

~Robert Witmer

A fly in my soup

Inside a plastic ice cube

Got me every time

~Jennifer Gurney

Package delivered…pic…not my porch

~Julie A. Dickson

two but one alone

~Bob Carlton

miscommunication misunderstanding missing you

~Kerry J Heckman

winter solstice

burning in the fireplace

Christmas stockings

~John J. Dunphy

Half moon

playing hide and seek with Orion

the green comet

~Françoise Maurice

irritating "smart" house

can't override the password

of former tenant

~Jennifer Gurney

zero at the bone

infinity circles

the flower's square root

~Robert Witmer

Afternoon of February 1, 2023

birds scattering my bones picked clean

~Rowan Beckett

slipstream the other me perfect

~Rowan Beckett


If your raw id

has no executive function

to speak of

to claw through

to reach sky, then

~Harrison Fisher

cracking an egg in the sun’s hiccup

~Patricia Hawkhead

yknow i crack night like an egg

~Tiffany Shaw-Diaz



point counterpointcounterpointcounter

point counterpointcounterpointcounter

point count them pointless!

~Keith Snow


Trash in the woods

         at least

I know I'm not alone

~Steve Van Allen



Alight, we lie and watch

Different screens side-by-side.

I don’t know where you are, but you’re

With me.

~Noah Berlatsky


by the hands of a cop corpse flower

~Rowan Beckett

unlearning the patriarchy no such thing as forbidden fruit

~Kerry J Heckman

to deconstruct

a butterfly

a bomb

~Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

Afternoon of January 28, 2023


war theatre

a shabby scarecrow

gazing at Orion

~Florin C. Ciobîcă

stray bullet

train of dark thoughts

the night comes alive

~Christopher Peys

nested together multiplication tables

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

pumpkin moon, seed in pig's nostril

~Mircea Moldovan

in front of crows' ellipsis no linguistic antecedent

~Florin C. Ciobîcă

illuminating -

the moth and the moon

casting shadows

~Katherine E Winnick

decreasing moon

the Earth's lesson

about economy

~Mirela Brailean


he’ll never look for her


she hides deep inside

a forest fairy tale

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

There’s a fork in the road

with the left a sure path to the meaning of life,

and the right a buffet line for the salad bar.

I choose the right because the meaning of life

might end with death, and I don’t want to die fat.

~Nolcha Fox

Rose Petals in a Dark Room

I’m but a poet of this ministry,


rose petals in a dark room fall.

Everyone’s life is a conflict.


But mine is mastery of light and neon night

and I walk behind

these footsteps of no one.

~Michael Lee Johnson


the itch to write

a farewell poem

~Florin C. Ciobîcă

Evening of January 26, 2023

a love song

plays on the radio

an epilogue

about our train ride

where you get off abruptly

~Wai Mei Wong

sadness envelops

please stamp me with rainbows and

return to sender

~Eavonka Ettinger

chocolate sponge


and sensitizers

~Mark Gilbert

spent fuel rods

the mountain shifts

its posture

~John Hawkhead

fairie folk dancing

in the forest of forgets

 no one remembers

~Strider Marcus Jones

sour grapes

the last drop of

a fine whine

~Eavonka Ettinger

family photo just the dog’s tail

~Mona Bedi

annoying koi in pond wink of ceramic cat

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

in a crowd this existential crisis

~Mona Bedi

life results may vary

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

paper moon this temporary life

~Mona Bedi

Black branches of a winter tree

against a gray gray sky

gothic view worthy of Poe

~Steve Van Allen


first snowflake



I have

nowhere to go

~Dan Flore III

marathon race

the ex-front runner speeds away

in an ambulance

~John J. Dunphy

tumbling screams

only mountain goats around

to hear

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

some words

just make me itch

    head lice

~Eavonka Ettinger

mime mistake
the sounds

of regret

~Herb Tate