Morning of February 27, 2025


Private Eyes

~Kelly Sauvage Moyer

hoeing around

a young zucchini

Bob Marley sings

don’t cut

my connection

~Randy Brooks

I have

emptied the



I am


this now


because I want


~Noah Berltasky

detritivores, unite!

inauguration day

billionaires feed

on what remains

~J.J. Penniman/Kelly Sauvage Moyer

sleep tight streetlight

ghostly voices

a crow plucks nits

from my nihilism

~Heidi McIver/Kelly Sauvage Moyer

filleted potato

poetry cafe

the hatchetman

leads a beat to slaughter

~Robert P. Moyer/Kelly Sauvage Moyer

the dew has risen

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

the fragment airy world

~Bob Carlton

We pecked grain at sunset. The farmers sharpened their knives.

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

pigeons eat pigeons

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

after the derecho our splinter group grows stronger

~dan smith

the dead man's mail more interesting than mine

~dan smith

gravity is not subject to my freedom

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

Abandoning Demons


Having relinquished all control,

I immediately encounter

a sense of ambient anxiety.

All my surroundings are new to me.

I see depth in color and feel touch temperature.

Familiar voices exhibit a new clarity.

Now darkness holds no terror

and the stars beckon me

to places in never imagined.

~R. Gerry Fabian

from zenith

the Deneb gazing down

at winter jasmines

~Tejendra Sherchan

winter camellia

alone in the garden


~Madeleine Kavanagh

Birth-only friend


My only friend

Who gives me an obscure destination

And goes forever.

~Partha Sarkar


On the edge of a moment

Tears never cried

~Sarah Mahina Calvello


Half-baked tendencies

Roasting under

Heavenly Hell,

Rendering ashes.

~Chris Litsey


Face made

for HR,

scent fit for




~Chad Parenteau

the uni

verse is

for ever



~Bob Carlton

What Luck!

a pen

at hand

just now


~Bob Carlton

Each conversation

Each conversation is as sweet as buzzing

If there is no hidden knife in it.

~Partha Sarkar

scythe tree

hiding in the spring night

to slay ghosts

~Tejendra Sherchan

Winter Adage

You gotta

move in

the cold


the cold

is gonna

move in

to you.

~Bob Carlton

smiling down on me

in my roadster

a drive-thru thumbs up

~Randy Brooks

squirrels are rodents

please respect

their cuteness






~John H. Dromey (text) / Wilbur F. Gleckler (image)



Unsure when this deadline


so best to submit in


Afternoon of February 25, 2025


My Bad Fortune

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

search engine

I find myself


around the earth

~Kimberly Kuchar

dark web radicalizing the square

~John Pappas

skim ice

the fragility of


~John Pappas

it was a man

who explained to me

about mansplaining

~Penny Lowery

there may be a planet

where pebbles are as valuable

as a diamond

~Tejendra Sherchan

first snow

silence surrounds

an *

~John Pappas

Onomastic mysteries

What was the Aegean Sea called

before Aegeus drowned in it?

Or the Atlantic Ocean, before Atlas?

~Marie Derley

mug shots

only the politicians


~Douglas J. Lanzo

Heil to the Chief

putting the cult

in culture

~dan smith


the boy advises the emperor

on his nakedness

~David Cox

You dream!

You dream!

Let us take a turn.

~Partha Sarkar

barefoot in wild mint the strangeness of belief

~John Pappas

changing our perspective AI-generated eyes

~Douglas J. Lanzo

the fluidity of drunkenness in chiffon

~Patrick Sweeney

boiling milk the deported migrants

~Tejendra Sherchan

Tea drinkers

sharing wallpaper


~Patrick Sweeney

streetlight on snow wondering if I’ll ever

~John Pappas

Cloud viewing

never ever

and always

~Patrick Sweeney

Checking his FICO score

on a dying


~Patrick Sweeney

Afternoon of February 21, 2025

The Golden Hour

~Jean-Paul Moyer

Editor’s note: Our featured artist, Jean-Paul Moyer, is a cat. Here’s a video of him at work.



A shriek in the night.

The cat has slaughtered

a pair of underwear.

~Noah Berlatsky

I must stand forever,

for in every seat

there is a cat.

~Noah Berlatsky

Someday cats

will fly.

All the cats here

are waiting.

~Noah Berlatsky

day breaks gently

in saunters the new year

on cat’s paws

~Jennifer Gurney



my cat

~Jennifer Gurney

the rumble

of affection

cat’s purr

~Jennifer Gurney

my stray queen

gives me brief company

as her gratitude!

~Tejendra Sherchan


a feral follows me

to the food bowls

~John J. Dunphy

reincarnated Zen gardener

now rakes patterns in

his litter box

~John J. Dunphy

my black cat


by the snow

~John J. Dunphy

The Asahi Haikuist is in need of haiku (catku) about cats in love.

Details (scroll to the end):

Afternoon of February 18, 2025

Five Fleas shirts and mugs

his whole philosophy on the front lawn

~Patrick Sweeney

Mowing the lawn

the same pattern

over and over

imprinting lines into grass’s memory

thinking the same thoughts

again and again the same pattern

can’t get out of my own head

maybe this time I should

break free

mow diagonally right across the lawn

~Robert Miner

Vox Populi

once a whisper

now a scream

~dan smith


Throws upward

The torn pieces of a paper

The madman

Standing on a thin broken wall.

~Partha Sarkar

The Gift of the Maga

a scalped population

getting the brush off

~dan smith



makes sense now

~Robert Epstein

Trapped in a traffic jam

Let me cross the road...

Then I decide whether

I will return home or wander under the stars.

~Partha Sarkar

her honking smiles in the morning rush

~Vijay Prasad

immune to my telepathy, a deer on the berm of the road

~Patrick Sweeney


for the light to change

roadside chicken

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

generation X marking the spots on my hands

~Kelly Sargent

he wants to wrestle Antaeus at zero g

~Patrick Sweeney

valentine’s day lonely full moon

~Tejendra Sherchan

there's no 'is what it is' in high-energy physics

~Patrick Sweeney

line editing the line editing my ex

~Robert Epstein

riding on the wobbly wheel of what's going to happen to me

~Patrick Sweeney

holes in the paper dolls playground wars

~Kelly Sargent

there in the monostich of time; a bluejay in the snow

~Patrick Sweeney

even zen can be overdue books

~Robert Epstein

under floorboards behind bookshelves happening again

~Patrick Sweeney

a threatening letter

from the good people who sent him

a free blood-pressure cuff

~Patrick Sweeney

the smell of bacon


the night before

~Kelly Sargent

Dawn Senryu

smashed bottle

in grey sand --

baby's first steps

~Brian Palmu

often I dream

of globe-trotting the world

my holed pocket

~Tejendra Sherchan

first shower at his apartment

clarifying shampoo

in my eyes

~Kelly Sargent

Un-Zen Thirty

Unknown to him

Clock was reset

Instead of alarm

Woke late

In panic-rush

Showered halfway

Dressed, until

He realized

He was early

~Keith Snow

after remortgaging a second time

he kept the intricacies of his gambling theories

to himself

~Patrick Sweeney

On our radar: Poetry contests open now

Wergle Flomp (humor): Deadline April 1


The Robert Spiess Memorial Haiku Contest (fee): Deadline March 13