Morning of February 13, 2025



                           ~Kelly Sauvage Moyer

Meat house

Someone sewed marble fear

Into a transparent belly

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

Not wild,

not precious. What

will I do with my life?

I just have to wait here for the

zoom call.

~Noah Berlatsky

losing a bar fight…

all the nuts on the floor

~Sharon Ferrante

The Nature of Politics

uneasy the crowns

balanced on rice plants growing—

buckling when it storms

~James Penha


to the flock—

the desire

not to follow

the wrong bird

~Sharon Ferrante

strangled by the winding road peepal tree

~Tejendra Sherchan

silent stones skip the deep

~Elliot Diamond

those things I shouldn’t eat a yellow submarine

~Sharon Ferrante

her gaze undoes me from all possibilities

~Vijay Prasad

dastardly the days he writes in all CAPS

~Sharon Ferrante

crowded alley so many ways life is unfair

~Roberta Beach Jacobson

The door to the house is closed. Forever.

~Mykyta Ryzhykh

my neighbor says I lean too far to the sunset

~Sharon Ferrante

Is it Valentine's Day, is it not?

The day is bright without any pretension and demand.

Beloved, is it Valentine's day, is it not?

~Partha Sarkar

my dead cat's water bowl

now just half-full

from evaporation

~John J. Dunphy

Take me

To the final page


~Sarah Mahina Calvello

What am I waiting for

Besides the end of the world?

~Mykyta Ryzhykh


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