Afternoon of August 8, 2024


~Kelly Moyer

Photography available here

he always had urgent information that nobody could use, or ever want to think about again

~Patrick Sweeney

his earliest memories were a buzzkill waiting to happen

~Patrick Sweeney

dead rabbit somehow no more tranquil

~Herb Tate

an antique sign pointing to a change in circumstances

~Patrick Sweeney

all this way to turn around and be stupid me

~Patrick Sweeney

path curves

universe asks

which way now

~Jennifer Gurney

maraschino cherries

in my ginger ale

it’s 5:00 somewhere

~Jennifer Gurney

twilight zone

what I think about when I think

about thinking

~Herb Tate


in the library

shushing the shushers

~Herb Tate

The Fun With Physics Series or How I Learned To Start Loving Those Crazy Muons
And Stop Worrying

electron fields

quark fields

W. C. Fields

~dan smith


man shields himself with his

'homeless vet' sign

~John J. Dunphy

my heart weeps

every year

this anniversary

~Jennifer Gurney

many years ago, now

learning about this day…

my eyes opened

~Jennifer Gurney

fertility shrivels

weeping rain drops

a She Oak

~Wanda Amos

my grandson says

we all have gravestones

on our heads

do you know where

your bones are?

~Tom Blessing


the holes

in our blue boat

~Robert Witmer

night storm clouds

a hole shows the blue sky

with one star

~Tejendra Sherchan

death's door

an invisible hole

in the metaphor

~Robert Witmer



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